I finally have heat in my house! Got tired of waiting for my cousin's friend to get his butt in gear and called an actual company, who came out later that same day (Saturday) and fixed it. Temporarily apparently... I guess he's coming back tomorrow to replace the module thingy. Whatever, I'm just happy to have warmth.
That virus I got on my computer is pretty bad. I found some instructions for removing it, but nothing seems to be working. I delete it and it comes back. I try to stop the process and it won't let me into tast manager. It seems to have a way to combat every solution. So I think I'm probably going to have to take it to Best Buy and shell out the money to get it fixed there. I would just really love to have 5 minutes where there isn't something breaking or in need of major repair.
But other than the virus, it's been a nice 3 day weekend. I got some stuff done... took down the Christmas decorations Saturday and cleaned the house today, among other things. I still need to vacuum but the house is pretty clean otherwise. Casey spent most of Saturday at her not-boyfriend Brandon's house. And then today after we went to church and Perkins with my parents, her friend Melanie came over and spent most of the day with us. The girls were supposed to work on a school project together, but I'm not sure how much work got done. They mostly did a lot of giggling. And then this evening the three of us went with my dad and my friend Mike to dinner and then to see Steve Angrisano give a concert at a nearby church. He's a christian singer/story-teller that I was crazy about as a teenager. His shows are geared toward teens actually, but when I heard he was in town I couldn't wait to go see him. Casey, Melanie, Mike and my dad didn't know who he was, but they loved him and ended up buying CDs and getting autographs and pictures with him (pics were taken with Mike's camera... I'll post when he sends them to me).
Here's a Youtube video that gives an idea of what he's like, in case you're curious. A lot of fun, with some great messages mixed in.
UGH. I should be asleep right now but I'm trying to print Casey's homework. We didn't get home from the concert until 10 and then she had to do that, which she did on the laptop which isn't connected to any printer, so she begged me to try and print it from the (virus-laden) PC for her since she was sooooo tired. Yeah, that's not going well. I think I just need to plug the printer into the laptop. I just ended up messing around on here... so yeah, I'm gonna go figure that out and then get my butt to sleep.