(no subject)

Feb 15, 2009 12:13

There's way too much temptation in my house right now - Girl Scout cookies, the donuts and muffins Casey convinced me to buy, and Valentines Day candy. I gave Casey a Happy Bunny box of chocolates and got us both some of those awesome peanut butter chocolate hearts, and my parents gave me peanut butter cups and her some more candy. Gah. Must show restraint. I sure didn't yesterday.

We have a priest visiting our parish this week who will be doing a mission talk for the next 3 evenings. We don't plan to go, but we did like him when he did mass today. He's very lively and interesting. Casey said that when she was walking into the church (I was parking), he looked at her and said "Where are they?" and she was like "What?" and he goes "Where are the 7 boys who should be following a girl like you?" LOL, how sweet is he? I know what you're thinking - he's a priest and they have a reputation, so that's creepy. LOL, I'm sure it was totally innocent. He seemed like a pretty cool guy, but honestly not quite interesting enough for me to want to spend 3 evenings sitting in the church listening to him talk. I might read one of his books though. Hm.

I'm still debating whether or not to let Casey go to Universal this afternoon/evening. Her temp was normal this morning, but after church and breakfast she got worn out and her stomach ache came back. Seems to me she doesn't have all her strength back yet, so does she really need to be running around outside for several hours? I don't know. She's napping right now and then we'll see how she's feeling later. I know she desperately wants to go, and it's going to be hard for me to say no. SIGH.

And now, a music meme. I can finally do these now that I actually have an iPod.

Music Meme
* Step 1: Put your playlist on random
* Step 2: Post the first line from the first 10 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
* Step 3: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.

Note: Okay, first of all this iPod used to be Casey's and I haven't deleted or added any songs since I inherited it. However, we happen to have the same taste in music so it works. Also, I don't know how to put this thing on random (LOL I'm old and technology is confusing), so I'm just going to use 10 songs from her "awesome" playlist.

1. Where I come from isn't all that great, my automobile is a piece of crap, my fashion sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me

2. Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing gonna be all right.

3. Come Mr. DJ song pon de replay

4. Four, tres, two, uno

5. Am I more than you bargained for yet, I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear 'cause that's just who I am this week

6. Hey, I can't see why people look at me and only see the color of my face

7. I know there's something in the wake of your smile

8. Music make you lose control, music make you lose control

9. You see a chick get hot everytime I come through when I step in the spot make the place sizzle

10. I asked her to stay, but she wouldn't listen

vday, church, health, ipod, music, meme

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