Shortly after I got home from work last night, my mom came by and whisked Casey away to go get my Christmas gifts. She came home later and went up to my room to wrap them, but never actually got around to it. She just screwed around until it was time to leave, so I told her to put them in her room so I wouldn't see them. When I went to bed later I found a cookbook lying on the floor (one of the things on my wish list). DOH. I slipped it into the bag in her room with my eyes closed so I wouldn't see anything else. I'll have to pretend I never saw it. But jeez, the kid is so flighty lately. I told her this morning to make sure she wraps the gifts after school and she said she can't because she needs a box or gift bag. UGH. Also, I had called her when she got home from school and told her to take a shower and she said okay. Later that night I asked if she had and she said "Oh". SIGH.
Also last night, I took my 12 year old to a bar, LOL. It was an all ages open mic night at a new place called The Franchise Bar and Grill. She wanted to see her friends' band play. The band was great. The bar, not so much. First the waitress brings my diet coke in a glass that has bright red lipstick all over the rim. And since it was kind of dark in there, I didn't notice until I took several sips. With a straw, but still. *shudder*
So then it took forever to bring our food. When Casey ordered chicken tenders she was asked what kind of sauce she wanted, and she said honey mustard. So this dude brings our food with no sauce and then asks her what kind she wants. She repeats honey mustard and we also ask for ketchup. I swear it was 15 minutes before he bothered to bring it. I guess he just wanted to give our food some time to get cold before we could actually eat it. Which is all well and good, because the food was horrible. I don't think it's easy to mess up chicken tenders, cheeseburgers and french fries, but they seem to have a gift. Worst. Ever. I heard them apologizing to the next table for some kind of screw up too, so we weren't alone. I know it's a new place and all, but I don't plan to ever go back.
My cold or whatever seems to be getting a little worse each day. Today I took a hot steamy shower, which helped a bit, and bought some Cold Eeze. I am totally kicking myself for not getting a flu shot. Not sure if that would have helped though, a lot of people around here who did get shots got sick anyway.
This afternoon we're having a holiday pot luck and gift exchange. Fun! I'll try not to breathe on too many people.
Weekend plans:
Tonight Casey is going to a dance that is held monthly for middle school kids in a nearby town. I just found out about it from a co-worker recently. So I'm taking her and Briana and dropping them off there and then Bri's parents are picking them up. I like that plan, because once I get home from dropping them off I can put on my PJs and stay in for the night. I could use the rest!
Tomorrow I have a little last minute Christmas shopping to do, and then that evening Casey is going to be hanging out with Santa. My neighborhood association does this thing every year where Santa rides around in a pick up truck (LOL, welcome to the south) and they judge house decorations for a contest. Casey has been invited to ride along with him. She and Danielle (and probably others) will be handing out candy to neighborhood kids as they drive around. Sounds like it will be a blast.
Later that evening is the holiday showcase the dance program where she takes hip hop is putting on. She still hasn't decided if she wants to participate or not.
Sunday, Casey (doesn't it seem like all my plans start with "Casey"? LOL) is altar serving at 10:30 mass, and then we'll probably have lunch with my parents, and then I'm thinking about possibly going to Universal for a few hours to see the holiday shows. That evening we're having dinner with some people.
The elusive fax FINALLY came today! Finally getting that resolved will be the best Christmas present ever.