Dec 29, 2005 16:23
Whatever I did to "fix" my CD drive yesterday didn't last, because when I tried again to play my Law and Order: Criminal Intent game, it wouldn't read it. So I messed with it for a while and again, got it working. So far, so good (knocking on wood). I'm still proud. LOL.
So I have been playing my L&O game, and it's pretty fun. You go around questioning witnesses and collecting evidence. He even has this program where you enter the evidence and it gives you a profile of the killer. It's pretty addictive, so I've spent a good bit of time on it over the last couple of days. Once I go back to work, I'll probably never touch it, because I'll be busy again. Today I got really frustrated because my computer freaked out on me and I lost everything on the game I was playing. I had to go back and question all the witnesses and collect the evidence again. Bah. So now I save constantly.
I tore myself away from the computer last night long enough to take Casey and go to Chili's for dinner. It was okay. Casey was in a foul mood, and she claimed it was because she was hungry, which may have been true, since she became happy again once she started eating. Then we stopped at Publix for a few things I'd forgotten to get at the store the day before and headed home.
I watched some more 40 Year Old Virgin extras when we got home. I'm almost done... I've been watching the movie with commentary, and then I've seen all of it. I just have to keep stopping it when Casey comes into the room. I've decided to keep the movie. You know, Blockbuster has this thing now where you can just keep the movie and pay a bit more. Well, I had decided to buy it anyway, and through BB, I can just pay another $11 and it's mine. Plus it's not in one of those BB boxes... it's the real box with some stickers that were easy to remove. So it's mine all mine. It's the perfect party movie. Next time I go to a party where drinkage is involved, I'm bringing it. Not my cousin's party... there will be children there. And some old people. Not good. Anyway, it makes me laugh my ass off.
Casey kept wanting to watch Buffy, so I told her if she just left me and Steve Carrell alone until 9 (if you didn't know, he's the star of 40 YOV, and I happen to be in love with him after watching the movie), we'd watch it then. And we did... we had yet another Buffy-thon, watching 3 eps in a row until just after midnight. I actually watched one episode twice, because it had commentary. So casey and I watched it, then she left because she doesn't care about commentary and I watched it that way, then she came back and we went right on to the next one. This is a great week for Buffy-thons, since everything is reruns on TV.
So we went to bed at around 12:30 and got up at nearly 11. Oh my gosh, we are so spoiled this week with staying up late and sleeping late, and just sitting around the house or playing in between. It's like the best vacation EVER. I'm going to hate life when I have to go back to getting up and going to work every day.
Anyway, today I have mostly just played Law and Order and done minor clean up around the house. I seriously need to cut the crap and start actually doing chores and CLEANING the damn house.
We did have some drama just a few minutes ago. Remember the kid who was playing with knives a month or so ago and he cut Jada? I had warned him and his uncle that next time the police would be called. So Casey ran in the house and said he had just cut her friend Iris, and she was bleeding a lot. I suggested that her parents call the police. But I saw her outside, running around with just a ban-aid on her arm, and I don't think she even went home. I decided it was time to call the police myself. So I did, and when I told Casey, she said he didn't cut her with a knife. It was a piece of his bike. But he had done it on purpose. After thinking it over for a few minutes, I called the police back and told them never mind. I felt silly bringing them out here for that, especially since it wasn't my kid who was hurt. They told me I shouldn't be the one calling anyway... it should be Iris' parents. I said I called because I thought it was a knife, and my kid is out there and I worry about her safety. Anyway, the lady said she'd try to cancel the call, but they might want to talk to me anyway. I hope not. Cops make me nervous. I know that makes me sound like a criminal, but I'm not. I don't know... I think authority figures in general freak me out.
Several months ago, Casey was at Wal-Mart with Christine and Danielle, and she had fallen behind. According to Casey, a lady had come up to her and said "your mom said you need to come with me." Thank God Casey was smarter than that, told her no and caught up with Christine. Well, I was concerned. What reason would that woman have to say that to her if not to try to kidnap her (unless it was mistaken identity)? So I called the police and filed a report, just in case any kids went missing and at least they would have that information. They came to the house to talk to me and Casey, and I was completely freaked. I was all tongue tied and everything. I don't know what my problem is. Oh well.
Anyway, I guess that's about all that's been going on in my household. Maybe I'll get off my ass soon and do some housework.