We had a good time at Universal yesterday.
Brianna's mom dropped her off at the house at around 11:30. I'm glad I decided to clean up the house a bit before that, because she came in and talked to me for a while. Her house is about 4 times as big as mine and much fancier, so at the very least, mine could be fairly clean for her. She's a really nice lady though. Turns out they go to our church. She told me she'd like to get Brianna into youth group and she hopes Casey being in it will help convince her.
Anyway, once she left I grabbed the girls and we headed out. We picked Jessica up at her house and went on to the park. It started pouring rain as soon as we got on the road and continued to do so after we got there. I bought us all ponchos, and then what do you know, the rain stopped. So I just got to carry them around all day. But I guess good weather isn't such a bad thing, and it never got very hot either, so yay. Jessica was afraid to ride the big coasters, and the other girls spent the whole ride over trying to talk her into it and calm her down. It was kind of amusing. They decided that the best course of action would be to start her off on something easy, so we all rode the Unicorn kiddie coaster. It worked - she loved it and we went straight to Dueling Dragons and rode that too.
I've now come to the decision that until I've lost a significant amount of weight, I'm not bothering with those coasters with the shoulder harness anymore. It isn't worth the hassle for a ride I've been on 40 times before. There is one seat that is made for bigger people, and I have to use that one. First I have to figure out which row it is because I usually forget, and it's always in the middle where Casey doesn't want to sit, so I get separated from her, and then since the seat is in the middle of a row I usually end up having to break up a group of people and have to explain to them why I need that seat. UGH. So yeah, yesterday that's pretty much how it went. First I got in the wrong row because the signage was very small and it's kind of dark in there. Then a guy in front of me told me I could go ahead of him because there was an empty seat and I had to tell him why I couldn't use that seat. Then I had to ask an employee which row had that bigger seat and then get back in line in that row. And then when it was my turn, the group I was in the row with refused to let me have that seat, so I had to get back in line. And then when I DID get on the coaster, I had to sit in between this group of guys that was there together and tell them why I was breaking them up. SO not worth a few minutes of thrills. But good motivation to lose weight, I suppose.
So the girls decided to ride the coaster again and I let them go and just waited. Then we headed over to the River Adventure ride and met up with Elise and her family. They let her join us and went on their way. I let the girls go on the ride without me because I didn't want to get wet, and then I met up with Christine, Danielle and Robert while I was waiting for them. They didn't end up getting wet anyway, but that didn't last long. The next ride was Ripsaw Falls, and they got totally soaked.
And then they decided it would be a good idea to come running out of the exit. On the wet floor, with their wet feet. Everyone but Casey fell, and one girl hurt her knees. This particular girl actually has bad knees to begin with, and even had surgery on one of them recently. So that was kind of a scare, but I think she just ended up with a small bruise. She was up and walking around pretty quickly.
We decided it was time for a break and had an early dinner at Comic Strip Cafe, and then headed over to Blutos, another wet ride. The girls went on that 3 times and came out dripping wet. Christine and I didn't help matters when we used the water cannons to shoot them as their raft went by. Hee.
After that we met up with Ryan, Lidiana and Ryan's 13 yo sister Megan (if you've lost count, this makes SIX little giggling, screeching girls, LOL. They multiplied) and some of us went on Storm Force, which is like the tea cups at Disney. Robert and I got in one together because none of the girls wanted stinky old grown ups with them. Ha, whatever. It was pretty fun. Then a bunch of people went on Hulk. Megan and us women waited and let the guys take the girls on it. I'm sure they had fun with all those giggling girls in line with them.
After that we headed over to the other park, where all we had time for was The Mummy. I took the girls on it while everyone else raided the bar across the street. It was quite interesting trying to keep them from bothering the other people in line. They kept squealing and acting like crazy people. Casey was amusing to watch, because she's so quiet and reserved a lot of the time, but she was a total nutcase with her friends. I also found their conversations quite amusing. There was one in particular about their recent substitute teacher who had a lip ring. Casey said "A lot of people think he's hot. I don't think so though. He's totally emo." LOL
Then it was time to get ready for the parade. We added even more people to our group by meeting up with April and Jeff, and Elise's family also showed up. We caught a lot of beads in the parade because it wasn't as crowded as it has been in some past ones we've been to. Elise had the most, and she counted them - 52. Woo.
We didn't get to experience much of the concert. Elise left with her parents right at the beginning, and the other girls were not interested in 3rd Eye Blind. Casey didn't even know who they were, and I had honestly thought she liked them, which is why we went in the first place. I think I told her they were the guys who did the Shrek songs because that's what I thought at one point. The only song I know they do is Semi-Charmed Life, and Casey didn't know it when I sang it to her. Anyway, she didn't like the music and the others were tired, so we left about 3 songs in. Dropped the girls off at their houses and got home at around 10:30. Casey took a bath and then I took a shower and then we hung out until a little after midnight before going off to bed (she was wired when we got home). I decided not to bother with church today. Casey is still sleeping, and I know she's worn out from yesterday. Plus we're going to church before youth group on Wednesday.
My legs are sore. I think it's a combination of the kick ball game and then running around yesterday. I'm old.
I'm going to try and get some stuff done for the time being. Casey's got her cookie booth at the mall today, and it's a mall we've never been to, so I'm thinking maybe we'll go early and walk around a bit before her shift. And then there's dinner at my parents' house tonight.
Oh yeah, here's a picture from last night. I didn't take very many because Casey is still allergic to cameras, but she was willing to pose for this one.
Brianna, Jessica and Casey (PEACE)