Nov 03, 2007 09:53
So after work last night, I run home to grab Casey so we can go to Petco and get some crickets. As we're walking out the door, she looks up and goes "What IS that?". I turn and see what looks like a frog that is stuck behind our porch light fixture. We could see the back half of the frog, and it was kicking its legs, and it kind of looked like its head was stuck behind the fixture. So we're like "Oh, the poor thing! We have to help set it free!". It just so happens that right then, Dustin (freind/neighborhood maintence guy/reptile expert extroardinaire) is walking by, so we scream for him because hello, what if we try to help the frog and it, like, JUMPS ON US? So he comes over, takes one look and says "That's not a stuck frog. That's a snake eating a frog."
And yeah, it was. Because at that point, the snake had come out a little more. According to Dustin, it was a yellow corn snake. OMG, add a frog being eaten alive to the list of images I would like to remove from my head. And the fact that this was going on right by my front door did not thrill me. Dustin thought it was totally cool, but Casey and I were like EW EW EW OMG YUCK! Okay, maybe it was a little cool too. But mostly freaking creepy. I wonder if that's the snake I found in my house several months ago. Anyway, Dustin said he'd wait for it to finish eating and then take it away. By the time we got back from the store, it was gone. Whew. We were both totally skeeved out for a while after that. Casey even refused to put her feet down in the car, and instead hugged her knees to her chest. Cause yeah, suddenly it makes total sense that there could be a snake in the car. And that if there was one in there, it wouldn't be able to get up into the seat. Ha.