Jul 21, 2007 12:02
The Harry Potter party was pretty fun last night. We ended up not dressing up. Casey put on her school uniform and the tie she'd borrowed from my dad, said "I look stupid" and changed back into her I Survived Shiekra shirt and jean capris. She did have a snake around her neck, so there's that. Ha. I had only planned to dress up for her benefit, plus I knew she'd be embarrassed if I did, so I stayed in the clothes I'd worn to work. Casey's sister was very distraught that we hadn't dressed up and kept calling Casey a muggle all night (not in a nice way, LOL... she's a self proclaimed Death Eater), but they had a good time, especially after Casey allowed them to bestow the Dark Mark on her arm. She was undercover as a muggle, you see.
It ended up being a pretty long night, especially since I started getting sleepy by around 9:30 and didn't end up getting my book and leaving until around 1. I spent a lot of time sitting on the floor (place was packed... no chairs left) reading magazines. I did manage to read the 4th Buffy comic. I had only read the first one before that. I don't like them. Meh.
So now I have my copy of Deathly Hallows, which makes me so happy. At the party, while we waited to get in line for our books, one of the employees read the first chapter to us. So I sat and listened to that, and then when I got home I managed to get through about half of chapter 3 before I couldn't stay awake anymore and went to sleep at around 2.
My mom called and woke me at around 9:30 this morning. She was going to Target and wanted to return the pants she'd bought Casey for gymnastics (Casey decided they were too big once she got them home, go figure). Also, I had asked her to sew a few ripped things on her machine for me. So I bagged everything up and she dropped by and picked them up. I am teh suck at sewing, so yay for my mom and her machine. Anyway, I was about to get up when my mom called anyway (had already hit snooze), because Casey had gymnastics. Well, when I woke her up she begged and pleaded for me to let her skip it. I gave in because she'd had a late night, and the coach has been working them really hard lately. But I told her she was going Monday, because I pay WAY too much for her to be skipping practice (they raised the price by $25 a month when they decided to have them compete and practice more... it was already something I could barely afford).
I took Willow to the vet this morning for her itchy belly. She usually has female vets, but today it was a man, which made me nervous since she hates men. Also, he was hispanic. I think my dog is racist. The darker the skin, the more it seems she barks. LOL, weird. But I adopted her from the shelter, so who knows what happened to her before that and why she acts like she does. But after a little growling when he first walked in, she did really well. No biting or anything. He thinks she is allergic to fleas and probably got bitten by one. He couldn't find any on her now, though. She did have them a couple of months ago. Anyway, I have to use a special shampoo on her this weekend and then again next weekend, and then I have to use it for all her baths from now on. I have to wear gloves and leave it on for 10 minutes. 10 minutes! I can't imagine getting her to sit still with shampoo on her for that long. Yikes. Also, she has to start taking maintenance meds, like I do with Claritin. We have to start her off with 4 pills a day and then gradually decrease them until we figure out a good dosage for her. Erg, money. The appointment cost me over $100. SIGH, had to use a credit card.
Anyway, I wish I could read Harry Potter all weekend, but I have things to do. I made a list of the things I absolutely must do, and then when I'm done I can read. It's a pretty small list compared to all the things I actually need to do, but screw it. I'm reading. And then I have to work tonight. I have to drop Casey off with my parents and then be ready for Eliana to pick me up at 4:15 (she lives in my neighborhood and is working the event too). Then we'll be working until 2 AM. Gah.
My list of things that must be done before I get to read:
-Unload dishes from dishwasher and put dirty ones in there
-Pay bills
-Get groceries
-Clean out gecko tank
-Give Willow a bath with her new shampoo
-Send in paperwork for contact lense rebate (hey, I could use that $30)
-On Sunday, drop by the church to turn in altar server paperwork and sign us up for Beach Day
casey's style,