(no subject)

Apr 09, 2007 11:13

The weather sucks much ass this morning. It’s cold and rainy. Thank goodness I didn’t sign up for a park shift today. I have one more on Thursday, so I hope the weather is decent then. My new wind breaker came in handy today though, even if the stupid hood wouldn’t stay on my head. It doesn’t have draw strings and just kept falling back. DOH.

We went to Walmart last night and found Casey a nice backpack. (creentmerveille, I’ll probably follow your recommendation and go with LL Bean at some point, but I just didn’t want to spend a bunch of money right now. I’ve been spending enough with Casey’s birthday and everything.) We also picked up some cupcakes for her to bring to school today. And a carrying case for her DS. Camo, no less. Hee.

I’ve gotten a couple of company wide emails today that were basically congratulating the team on a successful Mardi Gras last Saturday, and they are saying it was the highest attendance EVER in the park. Yeah, I can attest to that, having been there. Holy crap, they shouldn’t have let that many people in. If there had been a fire or something, it would have been very bad. But as an employee, I have to look at it as a good thing that 80 million people were there spending their money.

This afternoon Casey’s dad and step-mom are going to go watch her gymnastics practice, and then when I get there after work, we’re all going out to dinner at Bennigans. It’s another of the many little birthday celebrations Casey is having. LOL. Let’s see, you’ve got Mardi Gras last Saturday, my brother’s little get together last night, cupcakes at school today, dinner with dad tonight, and then her actual party at Gatorland this weekend. Poor thing just gets no love.

My parents’ housing area is having a garage sale this weekend. You are only allowed to do it on the designated day, which is I think 2 or 3 times a year. It kind of works out nicely that way, because then people all over the neighborhood are having sales and shoppers can just go from one house to another. It’s the same way in my housing development, except ours is only once a year.

Well, I have all this crap to get rid of, so my mom suggested I have a sale at their house. The only problem is, it’s the same day as Casey’s birthday party, which is at 12:30. And yeah, I suppose I technically could do it, because most garage sales shut down pretty early, but that would be a hell of a long day for us. We’d have to get up really early, and then after Casey’s party I’m sure we’ll be staying at Gatorland until they close, and then there are all the presents to take home and put away. Yuck. So I told my mom I was fine to just wait until the next one if she was okay with me keeping some stuff in her garage until then. She says she might go ahead and just put the stuff out anyway. Whatever. I guess it can’t hurt.


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