Easter dinner turned out to be quite the adventure. We went to the sucky buffet, and what do you know... they realized it sucked. There was no food there. It was worse than last time. They were charging $35 and it was basically some roast beef and carrots. So we were like no way, and my mom suggested we go to Golden Corral. I said I bet it would be packed and everyone's like "Nah, it's early. It'll be fine." Yeah, we couldn't even get in the door it was so full. So we ended up at Fridays. My brother was cracking up at us running around trying to find somewhere to eat, and when we were on our way to Fridays, he sent me a text that said "National Lampoon's Easter Dinner". ROFL
After dinner we went to my brother's new place, which is pretty nice. We had some cake and he gave her a Target gift card. Not much else to report there.
But hey, I have pics.
Willow in the outfit the Easter Bunny brought her.
The girls chilling on the couch together