1. Where is your dad right now?
Probably on his way to pick Casey up and take her to choir practice at the church.
2. Last time you kissed someone?
I probably kissed Casey recently, even though she hates that now. But I know you mean a BOY, and in that case - July I think.
3. What is something that you learned about yourself recently?
That no matter how hard I try, I can't think of an answer to this question.
4. What color is your watch?
I don't wear one. I use my cell, which is black and silver.
5. Do you like anyone?
Now I feel like I'm in 5th grade. You mean like like someone? (Giggle). Yeah, maybe.
6. Are you close to your mum?
Very. Even though she drives me batty sometimes.
7. Where does your best friend work?
Ooh, I have several. So... there's a waiter, a payroll clerk, a nurse, a receptionist, a magazine graphic arts dude, and more. I'm very blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people, and I couldn't choose one over the others.
8. What are you listening to right now?
The A/C running. It's always quiet in here, but even moreso now that the management went off to happy hour together. It's one of those times I was glad to be a peon, because I didn't want to go. I kept hoping they wouldn't invite me at the last minute. I prefer the quiet office.
9. What do you smell like?
My new Avon Body Spray. I think it's called Sensual Moments or something.
10. What color are your trousers?
11. Have you ever done a chinese fire drill?
12. What color is your bedroom flooring?
Gross old dirty brown carpet that I plan to replace
13. Do you have a chair in your room?
No. I really only go in there at bedtime. My computer is in the living room.
14. What time of day were you born?
9:18 AM, I believe.
15. Do you know anyone who is engaged?
Not that I know of.
16. What's your favorite number?
5:30, cause that's when I get to leave here.
18. What color is your mom's hair?
19. Do you have a dog?
Yep, my nuttie Jack Russell, Willow
20. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
Only a billion. As far as performing them, I did almost do a talent show with some friends, singing "That's What Friend Are For" in 6th grade, but it got canceled, so that was limited to practices on the monkey bars. Casey and I have done 2 talent shows together, but I was obviously not a kid at the time.
21. When was the last time you went swimming?
Okay, make me feel guilty for living in Florida and having a pool right behind my house and hardly ever using it, why don't you? Um... probably August.
22. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
Hm. My brother has been very hard to reach lately. I think I saw him a week or so ago though, when I stopped at my parents's house for something (he lives there)
23. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Yes, Girl Scout camp a couple of times. And once in England with my middle school.
24. Do you play an instrument?
Not really. I took drums and guitar in high school (yes, they offered them there as an elective), but it didn't stick.
25. Do you like fire?
Sure, like at a bonfire or in a fireplace or something.
26. Are you allergic to anything?
Lots of stuff. Apparently most animals, but cats are the only kind that really flare up my allergies. And then there's pollen and all that junk. And maybe aspirin. Jeez.
27. When was the last time you cried?
Wow, it's been a while. It was probably at a movie or TV show or something. I haven't had anything that bad happen in real life lately, thank goodness.
29. Have you ever been to a spa?
My boyfriend at the time (Josh) gave me a gift certificate for one years ago for my birthday. I got a massage and a manicure. Very nice.
31. Do you like butterflies?
I hate the little bastards.
No, of course I love them. Who wouldn't?
33. What is one thing you miss about your past?
Being in love. Casey as a toddler. My friends who have grown more distant over the years. Oh, that's three. Nyah.
34. Have you ever seen the school counselor?
I think a couple of times when I was little. I can't remember. I've sent Casey to hers though.
35. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Yes. I majored in Education for one semester, had to volunteer in a 1st grade classroom, and then went "UM. Never mind." LOL
36. What is one thing you've learned about life?
Open up your heart, but don't be too trusting either. Easier said then done.
37. Are you jealous of anyone?
Sure, people who don't have to worry about how the bills are going to get paid. People who are in love. People who have maids. People who are having sex, for God's sake.
38. Is anyone jealous of you?
Maybe. Like, how close I am to Casey, or the lack of drama that comes with being single. That kind of thing.
39. Ever been stuck in an elevator?
Nope. But if meant Keanu Reeves was going to save me, I wouldn't mind.
40. What does your Dad call u?
41. What does your mum call you?
Kelly. Or mommy or mom if she's talking to Casey about me or talking to me in front of Casey.
42. What does you hair look like right now?
Bleh. I am using crappy shampoo. I'm trying to get my brother to get me some good stuff, but like I said, he's been tough to pin down lately.
43. ?
44. Has anyone recently told you that they like you more than as just a friend?
Um. I guess not within the last few months.
45. What have you eaten today?
Peanut butter toast, a lean pocket, 1/2 of a banana, and some little baked potatoes.
46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Way straight.
48. Who was the last person you drove with?
Casey, taking her to school this morning.
49. What are you looking forward to this weekend?
Cooking at Magical Mealtime. A few hours of peace when Casey goes to a birthday party on Sunday.
50. How are you today?
Bored at work. But still in quite a good mood.