I said I wasn't going to post anymore, but I guess I was wrong. LOL ;) But it's not a full recap. These are just most combined thoughts from my posts on Lost-Forum and FanForum!!! ;) But was an AMAZING finale that was!!! One of LOST's BEST in my opinion!!!
That was a FANTASIC Season Finale!!!!!!!!!! :D One of LOST's best!!! :D
I was SO shocked they actually went for the bomb and that Juliet was the one who detonated it!!! :O But I was balling my eyes out when Sawyer couldn't save her!!! SO sad!!! :( If this bomb doesn't change the past, which I'm still not sure if it will or not, Sawyer is going to snap and totally blame Jack and Kate for Juliet's death.
I also had a feeling that TPTB would totally make this the cliffhanger and we won't know if the bomb worked or not. My brother who doesn't even watch LOST totally had that figured out too. But it was really cool seeing the black/white title inversed!!! ;)
LOVED finally seeing Jacob!!! :D I REALLY like his character and that he met all the Losties before they came and like gave them somthing. He kept touching them and it was like he transfered some of his powers to them or something. :D That's why I don't think he's dead. That's WAY to easy. I think he's going to re-appear soon!!! ;) But even if he doesn't maybe the touches are to transfer his powers or somthing and make him an army. ;)
And CRAZY to find out Locke is now possessed by the man in the black shirt that wanted to kill Jacob centuries ago but couldn't!!! :O And that Locke's body was still in the coffin!!! :O
And I'm wondering about what Jacob meant by "they're coming"???
The Jate scenes were SO amazing!!! <3 The looks they gave each other after Jack dropped the bomb!!! <3 (Which for some odd reason is making me think of that 80s song by The Gap Band "You Dropped the Bomb on Me"!!! LOL :P) And Kate was SO going to say ILY when Jack left!!! <3 Poor Jack got hit in the head with a toolbox!!! :O Kate was TOTALLY freaking out and I was too!!! :O
LOVED that Sawyer FINALLY told Jack to go make things right with Kate!!! <3 I've been wanting that to happen for SO long and wasn't sure if we'd get that, but we did!!! :D Then Jack and Sawyer finally went at it like I've been wanting them too since Season 1. LOL ;) But I started screaming at my TV for them to break it up cuz the fight went WAY too far and poor Jackie got beat up badly!!! :( But at least Kate was there to help him!!! <3
Such an fantastic finale and SO can't wait for Season 6!!! :D Just sucks that we have to wait 8 months to find out!!! :(