Mad Men 4.13 "Tomorrowland" Season 4 Finale Review

Oct 18, 2010 07:54

What a GREAT season finale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Some things I had an idea where going to happen, but others were shockers!!! :O This wait for Season 5 next summer is going to be SO hard. :(

First I just want to say that I’m glad no one died. There were so many rumors about Roger, Sally, and others, but I’m glad it never happened. :) But I am sad too that the rumor Sal was going to come back didn’t work out either. :(

Now this whole twist with Don and Megan I did NOT see coming at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O I could have seen him maybe proposing to Faye, but Megan was a switch. ;) I just don’t know how I feel about it. They do seem like they are rushing into things. But I will say Megan is a really great character and she is great with Don kids!!! :D Plus, that is cool she is part French. ;) But I honestly have no idea where this is going and it’ll be interesting to see what happens and how it changes her job at SCDP and if she is promoted to a copywriter. ;) I’m thinking next season will probably be 1966. I don’t see them jumping 2 years.

Then everyone did seem just as shocked as we were. LOL ;) Peggy even more so. I totally felt like she was almost jealous, even more so with Don saying Megan reminded him of her. ;) I know if I heard that from someone, I’d start thinking so why didn’t he marry me? ;)

But I am happy Peggy and Ken got that new Topaz account!!! :D Also, I wonder if we’ll get new storylines with that new model next season. ;)

Then I really liked the scenes with Don, the kids, and Megan in California!!! :D Those were great and the kids were SO excited to go to Disneyland!!! :D And that Don did really take the kids to see Anna’s house liked he promised!!! <3 So sad she couldn’t be there, but Stephanie was!!! :D And interesting to see the kids now know that Don goes by Dick sometimes. ;) I still find it odd that Anna gave Don her engagement ring and I wonder if he gave it to the right girl. ;)

I feel SO bad for Faye, but I totally saw this breakup coming. Had no idea though that it would be because Don got engaged. ;)

Then I actually liked a lot of the scenes with Betty!!! :D Nice to see Henry stand up to her and for her to start thinking about things. But I’m SO mad she fired Carla. That wasn’t right and good for Carla for speaking up!!! :D And I really liked that scene at the end with her and Don and seeing the end of the Draper house. :)

And the goodbye between Sally and Glen wasn’t that bad and it actually had me feeling even more sorry for them.

Then I totally knew that Joan kept the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Also, that she would pass it off as Greg’s. ;) It’ll we really interesting seeing how everyone reacts to that news, especially Roger!!! :D

Tonight’s episode just went SO fast. I can’t believe the season is over and we have such a LONG wait in front of us. :( But at least I have some movies to see Jon in, seeing John Slattery and maybe Jon again on “30 Rock”, and also maybe some other TV appearances or films by the cast, not to mention award season still going on!!! :D And the Season 4 DVD coming up probably next Spring. But it’s still such a long wait. But this season was just GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

elisabeth moss, mad men, reviews, jon hamm

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