What another GREAT episode of “Mad Men”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D It’s so hard to believe there are only 2 episodes left this season, but we are starting to get a feel of what’s going down for the next couple of episodes and we got some answers tonight to some questions we’ve been having. ;)
This episode seemed to take place exactly a month after the last one since we saw everyone finding out Lucky Strike was leaving the agency. ;) Lee told Roger they would only have 30 days, so it must have been up. I hated seeing Roger lie to everyone, but I wonder if others will find out how long he knew they would leave. They still think it was sudden. But it makes sense about Lucky Strike being gone since that’s when the government started to find more about how bad smoking really was and the bans started happening in TV and now even films. It’s better they lose them since we all know how worse things would have gotten.
But now that they hopefully have Heinz that should change things!!! :D I LOVE their ketchup and it’s the only one I use and that company is huge now. ;) So it’ll be a great thing in they can get it.
Now Don I love you, but sometimes I just want to smack you upside the head. LOL ;) I had a feeling something might happen between Don and Megan, but that was good Don did try to stop it. However, that was surprising Megan didn’t care and said she wouldn’t act like Allison did. :O Wonder if she really meant that she wants to learn more about business and move up like Peggy did? That would be interesting to see more females with higher up jobs. ;)
But I feel bad for Faye. :( When she finds out Don cheated on her I’m pretty sure their relationship is over.
So we know Pete and Trudy had a girl!!! :D I kind of think Pete was disappointed and wanted a boy, and maybe in a way to make up for the son he had with Peggy. ;) I think the reason we didn’t see Trudy or the baby was because Allison Brie who play Trudy was probably filming her other show “Community” and more than likely couldn’t get the time off. ;) But I am glad that she and the baby are ok. I was so scared and had been for awhile that either Trudy would die or they would lose the baby. Luckily it seems everything went ok. :)
I still think Joan might have kept the baby. ;) I’m probably going to be on that side of the issue till we get proof either way as the season ends. But I saw clues tonight like her dresses weren’t as tight and form fitting as they usually were. And her pajamas were really loose and Roger was even surprised by that. ;) It’d still be a little early for her to be showing, so we should find out either way in the next two episodes. ;) I do feel bad for her and Roger though since they can’t make it work. :(
I’m still not sure how I feel about Peggy and her new boyfriend. I think I might be becoming ok with it. But I did like how she came up with the pitch for the Latex gloves ad!!! :D Plus really funny about the lipstick on her teeth. LOL ;)
I still can’t stand Stan. He seriously needs to grow up or just go. :/
Really liked seeing more of Ken and finally his fiancé!!! :D
I hope Lane comes back soon and if I’m not mistaken he does next week!!! :D I thought I saw him in the trailer. ;)
Looks like Roger’s book got published too. ;) I still think it would be awesome if the book really was released and like official “Mad Men” merch. LOL ;) The LOST writers wrote a tie-in book, so it would be cool if Matt Weiner and the “Mad Men” writers did too. ;)
This season has just been fantastic and I SO can’t wait for next week’s episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D