What another GREAT episode of “Mad Men”!!!!!!!!!!!! :D And we got something I had been wanting to see for a LONG time, an episode centered around The Beatles and their historic Shea Stadium concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D But that’s not all that happened. ;) So many other surprising twists and shockers happened too!!! :D
First I have to say that I totally guessed a LOT of things right that happened in this episode!!! :D I had been wondering for about the past year how The Beatles were going to get introduced. I always wondered if they were going to show the Ed Sullivan footage or if they would work in a Shea Stadium storyline by having Don take Sally. So we got the latter. ;) I didn’t think we would since they had already mentioned The Beatles earlier this season, so I was pretty much screaming just as much as Sally when Don told her he was taking her to see her favorite band and what would become one of the most famous concerts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D That was just such a cute scene and I’m SO excited for Sally and that she got to go and Don as well!!! :D And that it all worked out in the end for them to go. :D
And I LOVED hearing “Do You Want to Know a Secret?” , even if it was instrumental. LOL ;) In my mind I still heard my fav Beatle George singing!!! LOL :D Plus, such a great song to pick since it totally fits with a LOT of the storylines and pretty much Don and the whole show. ;) And I loved that shot of Don staring down at the tickets and the Fab Four staring up at him!!! :D
Plus for the historical event being The Beatles at Shea, we know this took place the week leading up to it and in August of 1965 since Shea was August 15th, 1965. ;)
Don’s storyline about almost getting found out was GREAT!!! :D I’m very happy Pete and Betty were able to keep it secret and that it all worked out and was dropped. Luckily that background check by the feds didn’t go too far. And I was surprised Don told Faye about what he did. ;) But I’m glad he did and I hope she’ll keep it secret too. Poor Don though, we’ve never seen him that scared and him having a panic attack and getting sick. :/ But I do have a bad feeling this might happen someday, but possibly towards the end of the series. We’ll see, but I’m glad Don is ok for now.
Then I KNEW Joan would end up pregnant!!! ;) I said so in my review last week. LOL I’m really happy she told Roger and I’m really hoping she kept the baby. That scene at the clinic seemed to suggest to me she was having doubts talking with that young mother whose teen daughter was getting an abortion. Plus, Joan did seem not that bad at work the next day and surprised Roger by being there. I just wonder if maybe she is going to keep the baby and pass it off to everyone else as Roger, just like Kate Austen was on LOST. ;) But I guess she still could have had an abortion. I guess we’ll have to wait and see in the last 3 eps of the season if it’s addressed. ;)
Then Jeff Jensen was right at Entertainment Weekly and he’s been saying in his columns that Lucky Strike would probably leave SCDP and change their ads since the government added all those health risks in 1965. At least he has a month to figure out what to do. And I just can’t stand that guy from Lucky Strike. :/
Poor Lane. :( I feel SO bad for him. We had no idea he had fallen for Toni and that she had for him. <3 Toni seems really nice and I hope she’ll get to stick around when Lane comes back. ;) At least I’m sure he’ll find a way to come back since he really doesn’t want to live in England anymore. Really great seeing another African-American character and the interracial couple storyline again. ;) Lane’s dad is just SCARY and I was shocked when he hit him with the cane and almost broke his fingers. :O Poor Lane. :(
It was such a GREAT episode last night and I SO can’t wait for next week’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D But sad though that we only have 3 left this season. :( It’s just SO good!!! :D