Another GREAT episode of LOST!!! :D While we didn’t get too many shockers, we got some answers from this really well done Kate episode!!! :D I’m not kidding Evi deserves an Emmy for her performance last night in a certain scene. It emotional scenes like that they win. ;)
BTW: I plan on having my review of the “Life on Mars” series finale up sometime this weekend!!! :D What a GREAT twist to end the show and I don’t think anyone saw that coming!!! ;)
Anyway, let’s get to LOST:
Episode 5.11 “Whatever Happened, Happened”
A Kate Episode
A Heroine is Born
I’m really happy with the way the writers are portraying Kate now after this ep!!! :D I finally feel like they are maturing her and making her into the heroine and lead female she always was. We finally got a break from most of the triangle storyline to see Kate now as a mother and what her true mission is back on the Island. Evangeline did a FANTASTIC job last night and SO deserves to be nominated for an Emmy or Golden Globe or both. That final scene with her saying goodbye to Aaron was heartbreaking and award worthy!!! For a girl who never acted before, Evi has done an amazing job on this show and is such a fantastic actress. :D I’m really glad to see that’s Kate’s mission on the Island is to find Claire!!! It’s about time someone went to look for her and this is a great thing for Kate to do. She’s going to find Aaron’s mother, not to mention Jack’s sister, and bring her home to her family. I’m assuming this means Jack as well. ;) Carole seemed really shocked and I’m glad she’s the one with Aaron. I had a feeling and it was great to see that. I also really liked how the writers had Kate help save Ben. We all know what Ben turns into, but you still can’t have a child die. Plus, it would mess the whole show up. LOL That was great that she gave Ben her blood and eventually gave him to the Others. After having a child, she can’t see another dying. Plus, that was a great bonding moment between Kate and Roger Linus. :D It’s a really good change for Kate and I’m SO happy in this development for my fav female on this show!!! :D
Jack’s Turned into Locke
Now I know some people didn’t like how Jack wasn’t reacting to things and isn’t the same anymore. He’s turned into Locke. He’s waiting for the Island to tell him his destiny!!! :D I personally like the change, but I want the Island to tell him soon cuz I’m getting frustrated just like Kate and Juliet are. LOL ;) Although it was really good to see Foxy shirtless again!!! LOL ;) I want FaithJack to also become HeroJack. :D I’m pretty sure Jack will find out before the Season 5 finale and will see his hero and leadership status come back into play. My Jackie will OWN Season 6!!! LOL ;) But he is right that Kate didn’t like the old him, since he was referring to DrunkJack. ;) But she did like the beginning of HeroJack, so that’ll come back. LOL ;)
Kate & Cassidy BFFs
I’ve had a feeling for a while that Kate and Cassidy were really good friends and this was Sawyer’s whisper on the chopper and who Jack found Kate talking to on the phone in Season 4. It’s really cool to see that they built up their friendship after she got rescued and Kate helped take care of Clementine, who is SO cute!!! :D But Cassidy still has some bitter feelings about Sawyer leaving her and their daughter. It’s understandable, even if Kate and Sawyer’s relationship wasn’t the same. These two really are great friends and it’s good to see that they had each other to lean on through the tough times. And even Cassidy knew about Jack and Jate’s problems. LOL ;) Kate’s told her everything and it was cool to see she knew that Aaron wasn’t her son and was the one who convinced Kate to give Aaron back to Carole and find Claire.
Hurley and Miles and Time Travel
That was HALARIOUS!!! :D I kept cracking up SO much during that scene!!! ;) That was awesome and felt like they were saying EXACTLY what we all are talking about online!!! :D I LOVE when the writers do that!!! :D I have to agree with Miles though. They can’t change anything and they were always supposed to go back to 1977!!! ;)
Aaron Cuteness
Just had to post this pic of the baby playing Aaron!!! <3 He was SO adorable and such a cutie!!! <3 LOVED that Kate sang “Catch a Falling Star” to him!!! <3 It’s the Shephard family song!!! <3
Who Will Fill That Void in Kate’s Heart?
Jack. It’s always has been him and always will be him. ;) Kate’s had that void in her heart since she was little and her “dad” Sam left, and her birthfather Wayne was a screw up, and her mother issues. She’s tried to fill it many times with Tom, Kevin, Sawyer, Jack, and even Aaron. Aaron worked for a while since he would love her unconditionally. But she needs something permanent. She got a taste of that with Jack when they were engaged and living together. Jack fills that void for her, but it wasn’t the right time for them. We’ve also seen how Jack fill that void since after she gave Aaron back, Jack was the first one Kate turned to for comfort. Kate needs Jack. However, I think once Jack finds his destiny, we’ll see in Season 6 Jack and Kate get back together. :D They need each other and I wouldn’t doubt that their Island destiny’s are tied together!!! :D Already is since she’s trying to find Jack’s sister. ;) Plus, if we bring the possibility that Kate is pregnant with Jack’s child, that helps this theory even more. It’s going to be hard for us Jaters at first will all this angst, but it’ll pay off in the end. We’ve already seen the end of Skate and Jacket this season, even more in last night’s ep with Juliet finding out about Jate’s engagement and Sawyer declaring his love for Juliet to Kate. ;) It’s just a matter of time. :D
How Ben Became an Other
That was really to cool to see how the Losties played a part in Ben becoming an Other!!! :D They had to give him to Richard to save his life, and by doing so Ben would become one of the Others and wouldn’t remember any of this. It’s making sense now why Ben didn’t recognize them!!! ;) We even saw Richard take him to the temple!!! :D Can’t wait to see why Richard said Ellie and Charles are in charge but not in charge of him!!! :D That’s going to be cool learning more about them!!! ;)
He’s Alive!!!
Then the fact that in 2007, Ben woke up to find Locke staring at him!!! :D The look of shock and horror on his face seeing Locke alive again!!! :D That was AWESOME!!! :D
That was such a GREAT episode in a FANTASTIC season!!! :D I SO can’t wait for next week and to see Ben get judged for all his past sins!!! :O Woah!!! :O Let me know what you all thought about this ep and see you next week!!! :D