I decided this summer to get back into reading more, even more so since LOST is over, and I wanted to read some books that I had heard great things about. So I decided to read "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert since I keep hearing about it and the Julia Roberts movie that is coming out this summer. I'm SO glad I did because it's a GREAT book!!! :D I would normally post this behind a cut, but I don't really consider this spoilers since it's true events in Liz's life.
It's so funny and it's just amazing that all of these things happened to Liz in such a short timespan. I really enjoyd reading about all of her adventuers, how she changed, her spirtual life becoming such a major part of her, and her finding love again with Felipe (who sounds amazing <3)!!! :D I'm part Italian, so I really loved reading about the section of her in Italy. Then I'm a very spiritual person and I loved all of what happened to her throughout the whole book and in India!!! :D Even though I call myself a Christian like Liz does too, I love learning about other faiths and Hindu being one of them. ;) So that was really cool how she explained so much about it and the different practices, mantras, and so much more, which I feel I know more of now cuz of being a George Harrison fan too and how a LOT pops up in LOST as well. ;) Then the part in Indonesia was great too with her finding balance and love!!! <3
I also loved how she wrote all of the people she met in the various countries and they were so well written that you could totally picture them!!! :D I just love all of these characters, and it's cool that they are real people!!! :D
I know I can't wait to see the film this summer!!! :D It looks great and Julia Roberts is fantastic!!! :D The movie also stars Billy Crudup and James Franco as Liz's ex-husband and ex-boyfriend, and Javier Bardem as Felipe!!! :D Plus, the movie was directed by Ryan Murphy who created, writes, and sometimes directs Glee!!! :D Here's the trailer for it:
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Also, Liz wrote a sequel book about her and Felipe and what happened to them after this book!!! :D It's called "Committed" and I'm planning on reading that this summer as well!!! :D