3am_moonlight wrote in buffyfan Nov 14, 2012 20:18
character: angel, fan art: icons, btvs, angel, character: india, angel/buffy, faith, becoming part ii, buffy, character: kendra, buffy/angel, fan art:icons, icons
starry_night wrote in buffyfan Jun 22, 2012 20:02
dr. horrible, buffyverse, btvs, joss whedon, angel, community promotions, promotions
deadflowers5 wrote in buffyfan May 25, 2012 11:19
angel, community promotions, buffy
deadflowers5 wrote in buffyfan Sep 06, 2011 00:04
banners, angel
kinky_carter wrote in buffyfan May 12, 2011 11:13
character: cordelia, character: angel, fan art: fanmix, angel, music, cordelia, downloads
dontkillspike wrote in buffyfan Oct 02, 2010 12:24
official sites, gotr, comic, sullivan, con news, james marsters video, three inches, caprica pics, james, uk, caprica, interview, jm-top, spike, pics, ghost of the robot, angel, event news, barnabas, brainiac, video, james marsters, angel comic, smallville pics, james marsters pics, uk 2011, caprica video, sullivan marsters, smallville, updates, music, news
dontkillspike wrote in buffyfan Sep 29, 2010 10:59
event news, angel, official sites, brainiac, convention, gotr, comic, sullivan, con news, comic con, angel comic, james marsters, james, sullivan marsters, smallville, concert, jm-top, spike, new england comic con, music, ghost of the robot, news
dontkillspike wrote in buffyfan Sep 23, 2010 11:44
event news, angel, new york comic con, james, spike: the devil you know, interview, hawaii five-o, spike, bill williams, angel comic, james marsters, news
dontkillspike wrote in buffyfan Sep 22, 2010 13:29
angel, official sites, barnabas, buffy season eight, comic, video, james marsters video, angel comic, james marsters, screencaps, btvs, james marsters pics, james, hawaii five-o pics, spike: the devil you know, season eight, buffy, caprica video, buffy comic, she stoops to conquer, caprica, jm-top, season 8, hawaii five-o, spike, spike ongoing series, pics, news
dontkillspike wrote in buffyfan Sep 11, 2010 13:04
event news, angel, official sites, barnabas, convention, comic, video, con news, comic con, james marsters video, angel comic, james marsters, fanexpo canada, btvs, james, buffy, caprica video, fanexpo canada video, caprica, jm-top, spike, spike ongoing series, new england comic con, dragon*con, youtube, news