Big vidding blur...

May 24, 2007 11:25

A week ago, I had a crisis of conscience. Or something like that. I totally questionned my vidding. I wondered why it took me weeks, even month to make only one vid and some vidder seemed to take "just" a few days and still come up with outstanding work. But it was just not about that. I've just recently joined the vidding community as well as entered several good award sites and seeing others's accomplishement naturally makes you question your own work.
Why aren't my vids so great ? Is it just about not enough practice ? do I totally conceive wrong ? do I just suck ?

Maybe I was just always doing the same things and needed to change my view on vidding ? Maybe I needed to try something new ? In an attempt to do that, I decided to change my approach. I thought I was thinking too much before doing a vid and maybe I should just go with the flow and see where it'd take me. Worry less about details maybe ?

Luckily enough, I found a great song while ordering my computer's files and it made me want to vid about BSG with it immediatly. I began vidding, found great clips, even had some nice ideas. I came up with an overall draft in a day but now... now, I'm stuck. Without my usual landmarks, I feel lost. I don't know where to go. I don't know if I should try and let it form itself as I go or if I should timeline everything now. maybe a little of both. The vid as it is feel like a big mess with a few good parts but it's not coherent enough. My brain feels like a big mushroom right now and I hope this vid won't turn out to be crap.
On the bright side, I think it's good to challenge yourself so hopefully, my next vid will take advantage of what I learned with this one. Till then, I'm stuck in my blurry process... lol


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