i meme, you meme, we all scream for...icememe?

Jul 31, 2008 14:00

that subject header sounded totally clever before i actually typed it. alas.

so luckinfovely had a meme, e i e i o.  i abscond with it here.

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) Tag eight people to do this quiz. Those who are ( Read more... )

meme, bored now, work is dumb

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buffyaddict13 August 4 2008, 04:11:54 UTC

to me, religion and faith and spirituality are fascinating topics, and i love to talk about them

i think that's pretty awesome. so many people don't like to talk about religion or use it as a platform to judge or convert people that i find your take really refreshing and fairly brilliant.

i wrote a little something... a concise meditation on my belief system that's sort of poesy and sort of prosy; if you're curious you can find it under "meditation three" in my memories. not to self-promote my writing or anything.

cool! i'll have to check that out. <3

it's an optical illusion. it's actually quite tiny, but it's very crammed with stuff. like mothballs. and old socks.


sadly, i fail at anything that takes skill. or talent.

el wrongo. you are quite talented in the writey department.

(like NOT having a headache. *shakes fist at weather* curse you, barometric pressure!)

oh boo. i hope your headache went away fast.

same here. andy was REALLY into cm when i bought all the box sets and we rewatched all the eps from beginning to end, but i think he lost interest a little in S3.

the last ep shobi saw was "children of the dark" and he thought that was REALLY good, yay!

not to mention the fact that ever since we watched the "meet mgg" segment on the S1 dvd he's HATED mgg. (not reid, mind you--just mgg.) he thinks mgg is (and i quote) "so f'king annoying." *laughs at buffy's stunned face* i know, i know... another lapse of reason...

*has stunned face*

BLASPHEMY!!!11 actually, shobi won't even watch the "meet mgg" thing because he's so sick of hearing me talk about him. but really, i just adore him. he's so dorky! and cute and sweet. and his rodeo-guy-sewed-his-hand-on-upside-down joke fills me with glee every time i hear it. *hearts*

he's actually quite a bit like reid! i mean, he even has the same vocal tone and style when he's talking!

OMG, that's awesome! :D

but he can go on hating mgg if he wants--just as long as he keeps liking spencer. :)

yeah, shobi still likes spencer, so that's a relief. not as much as i (we) do, but who could, really? ;-P he also liked morgan and garcia and emily. sadly, he thinks hotch is boring. silly man!

*puts on confused face and assumes patrick mcgoohan voice* why?

because i'm a dork, mostly. it's just not a word a lot of people use, usually it's just "candle." and i love random words, so when you said it was all agog. <---- example of fun random word.

we just started watching the third season of the venture brothers and MAN is it GOOD.

okay, i'm a moron because i DID rent venture brothers and forgot to tell you. *headdesk* shobi didn't like it because he's lame, but i thought it was pretty good. we watched s1 but that's all i've seen so far.

i still like invader zim better, but that's just becaues i love jhonen vasquez so much.

and PS! my friend sent me a link to this little CBS segment on what the actors and producers on the network's shows did during the writer's strike.

OH. MY. GOD. thomas is cute but mgg is BEYOND ADORABLE. *glees* i had to watch it a bunch of times in a row. how can he be so cute and fluffy? HOW? also, there's a new gubler comm, did you see? it's called capslock_gubler and i joined because i cannot resist the gube.

thanks for reading my fic btw, i will reply to your lovely comment, but not right now, as my pillow is calling for me. sweet dreams!


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buffyaddict13 August 4 2008, 21:31:44 UTC
4:11 AM (UTC)

buffs. how do you FUNCTION during the day???

DO NOT FEAR! there's some lj time weirdness going on, because if i stayed up until 4:00 a.m. i would not actually function. i'd be passed out under my desk in a puddle of drool. 2:00 a.m. on the other hand, is possible.

why thank you! i think it's a subject that people should talk MORE about, especially as it's the source of so much hatred between people and so many wars and misunderstandings.


if i may ask: are you religious, or do you practice a religion? feel free not to answer that if you don't want to.

i am religous. not as much as i used to be. i believe in god, i go to church most sundays with tk and my parents. but shobi does not believe in god and i'm struggling. it makes me sad, so i move on for now.

i'm going to go ahead and take the compliment--but just this ONCE, oh Goddess of CM Fic. btw, was my writey-type proposal a horrible one? *hides* (i think i need to stop sending you so many msgs...)

crap. did you not get my response? *glares at lj* i wrote back right away with a resounding SQUEEE. i am totally down with your proposal. or is that up with it? either way: color me intrigued. as well as purple with pink polka dots.

actually, i've been getting a lot of them lately. they seem to be related to the barometric pressure, but i'm not 100% sure. they're always on the left side of my forehead, over my eyeball, and they last for an ENTIRE FREAKING DAY. i'm starting to wonder if i may have a brain tumor. *frowns, bites nails*

PLEASE DO NOT BE HAVING A BRAIN TUMOR THANKS. but weather can totally do that kind of thing. *pets you*

my FAV part is when mgg's having his new mattress brought into his house and he calls out to the mattress guys: "um, do you need help? i'm extremely weak!" or something to that effect. HI-LARIOUS!

BWAH! and i love that lola bought him socks from the girl's dept. oh mgg. *swoons*

agog is a good word. and see, if you insert an "ra," you get ARAGOG! (oh wait... wrong fandom. do you even read harry potter?) *g*

you bet i read harry potter! i wept my way through the last book. i own all of them and all the movies. and since i'm a dork of dorkest proportions i might as well admit...I HEART NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM. yeah. i said it.

WAAAAH! boo on shobi. (can i say that?!)

sure! i often do. :D

i will say this: S2 is EVEN BETTER than S1, and S3 so far is shaping out to be AWESOME. i definitely recommend checking out S2, if you're interested in watching more.

*makes note*

i ADORE brock sampson and the monarch and dr. girlfriend and dr. orpheus!!!


which of the characters/eps did you like?

i have GOT to look up the titles. i know out of the disc we watched i REALLY liked the one where dr. girlfriend tricks the dad and he turns into a mutating caterpillar thing and brock has to train for his new license to kill. i love how obtuse the venture boys are. *hearts* i also love monarch's and dr. girlfriend's relationship.

i may have to join capslock_guber with you!


i've spent most of the day reading reviews of david tennant's performance in hamlet and writing garcia and reid dialogue. ONLY ONE HOUR TO GO AND THEN SWEET FREEDOM!

p.s. due to an extra credit project, i grant you a B+ in italics. you don't fail after all!


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buffyaddict13 August 5 2008, 21:59:45 UTC

i will respond properly soonish, but i JUST responded to one of your posts cuz i was all:

hey, cycatryx voted in my poll but she didn't comment. is she okay? what's she doing? i miss her! maybe she doesn't love me anymore! *sob* <-------slight exaggeration, but only slight. *is paranoid*

so while i was writing you, you were writing me! *jazz hands*

okay, now i skip off to actually read what you wrote.



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buffyaddict13 August 6 2008, 03:36:09 UTC
next time i will just pick up the telepathyphone and call you.

riiiing. riiiing. hello? :D

oh look, i lie. apparently i'm responding to this tonight.

1. you ROCK.

no, YOU.

2. your responses (all four of them) made me LOL (in actuality; i think andy was afraid i was having some kind of fit in the other room).

hee! shobi is always going "what's so funny?" and then i tell him and he's all *bitchface* "that's not funny." ttthbt, i say!

3. the fact that you made me LOL=you are #1.

SCORE! *fistpump* i love making people laugh! especially when i do it on purpose!

4. i appreciate the hell out of you.

*blush* thankies! <3
OK, now that the sentimental stuff is over:

MWAHAHAHAHAH! it was my evil plan to make you return to me! (not actually; i thought i'd give you a breaky break from my rambly rants since i know you have around 1,000,000 other ppl who msg you per day).

1. *does not want breaks from you*
2. and i don't get a millionty msgs per day. nope, nada.

but now i feel sorta wonderful that you noticed my lack of a comment.


oh look. i think i can reply to even more. *waggles fingers*


of course i did! you're part of my "zombie gang" filter.

what are you doing in my bedroom?

what? me? nothing! *dives out window*

well, you'll see when you get your pkg!)

speaking of pkgs, i just put your together tonight. i'll be mailing it tomorrow. only i just realized i was still waiting for something. *facepalm* but because i want you to get it by your bday i'll just send the other thing as a surprise in a few weeks. *tricksy*

YES friggin' YES! another TORI fan!! *hearts you*

"crucify me" is my absolute favorite tori song. someday i'd like name a cat easter just because of that song. the imagery kills me every time. *awe*

oh PUH-leeeeze, can i has some buffyboobs?? *g* i could use a boost, if you have some to spare.

dammit, i already sealed the pkg. next time for sure!

okay, NOW i bid you sweet dreams. MWAH.


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buffyaddict13 August 6 2008, 19:41:57 UTC

question: have you read the dexter books? there's one thing i wish the series had done that the books did, but i don't want to spoil you if you haven't read the books.

/random complaint over

HA! andy does the same thing. i told him i has *frieeends* online and he just laughs. and laughs. and tells me to get a life.

shobi also says "online friends" aren't "real" and "don't count." *glares* which is asshattery since i met shobi online. *eyeroll* and i'm actually meeting some of my online friends in october, thereby making them rl friends! in fact, refur came and stayed with me last november and we went to a supernatural convention together. *makes annoyed faces at shobi*

hey, speaking of conventions, what are you thoughts on the cm convention. are you considering going? or is that to many levels of crazy for you?

of course i did! you're part of my "zombie gang" filter.

well, a lot of people friend me to read my fic. and i belong to a billion comms, so there's no way i'm ever really curren ton my flist. but you can put certain users into different groups (or filters). that way i can always check what's new in cm by reading the bau_inbox and criminalxminds. i have similiar filters for dw and spn fandoms. and the people i talk to every day are in my "zombie gang filter" so i don't miss their posts.

you're in my "people who can read everything i post" filter. because you're just THAT awesome. and since i belong to more comms than lj users, i rarely filter my readings.

*glee* thankies!

(unless i haven't seen some ep of a show or something.) i bet you wanted to know that. *fizzlesticks*

i did want to know that. i also wanted to know the word "fizzlesticks* <---- which i love.

don't MAKE me send the BAU after you. reid will profile you like NOBODY'S BUSINESS.

um. *wants*

omg. you ARE tricksey. and too awesome for words. *faints* is polyandry legal in cheeseville?? if so, i'm moving.
*thinks* but then i prolly won't get another pkg EVER... shite. i hate conundrums.

heh. if you lived here i wouldn't have to send pkgs very far, that's all.

that is a sweet one. have you heard any of her later stuff?

i have songs from the choirgirl hotel and...is it beekeeper's daughter? the greatest hits one.

oh goodie! i'd like to resign from the presidency of the IBTC soon KTHNX.

HA! i belonged to the IBTC all through high school.

no wonder you heart so much coffee.

i do indeed. and also because reid drinks it.


did you see the crazy new pic of mgg on myspace? i posted a poll for it. HE IS A WHACKO!


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buffyaddict13 August 8 2008, 01:31:13 UTC
are you perhaps referring to dexter's "mentorship" of cody?

whoa! you do have telepathy! you read my mind! O.o :D yes, that's exactly what i meant. but i guess while showtime liked adult sociopaths, they aren't ready for kid ones. sigh.

EXACTLY! i met andy online too. so i don't understand why i get the same rant from him. *shrugs* (i think they're maybe just jealous?)

i think you could be right. and *high fives* for meeting andy online. <333 i keep telling him he should be online more (we have two computers) and how fun lj is. as a matter of fact, he used to write fanfiction and i would LOVE it if he wrote with me. but he doesn't believe in writing fic for shows that are still on the air. *headdesk*

(to borrow one of your phrases) that is super awesome town!! what are you doing in october?

wellll truthfully the phrase is mgg's, i just borrowed it from him. :D october is this thing called winchester con which is a fanfic writing convention in baltimore. i'm pretty excited...except i don't write as much spn anymore. sigh.

apparently this comment is filled with nothing but :D and sighs. sorry!

would LOVE to go to the convention, but unfortunately, saving up for a house doesn't really jive well with taking random trips across the country. plus, i would probably explode from nervousness (i don't handle traveling well.) are you planning to go?

i WANT to go, but that's not the same as planning to go. maybe i'm hoping to go? if i don't have tk i'll try to go as i have a friend in california i could stay with (and she's a fan of the show...but sadly, she doesn't love reid as much as we do).

i didn't see your poll, though. i think it's hiding from me.

no, i just suck. aside from my zombie gang filter i have a super awesome town filter for people who like mgg. and i could have sworn you were on it, but i'm a big bag of fail because you weren't. *shame* BUT, all is now fixed. and here's a link to all the past entries if you're interested.



okay, i'm going to put on my jammies and watch burn notice. *salutes*

love and rockets,


buffyaddict13 August 5 2008, 22:21:15 UTC
okay, now we're on to a proper reply.

if i time this correctly, by the time i'm done i should be able to leave work! \0/ speaking of work, what's your job? you probably told me but i forgotted. spy? model? peanut butter and jelly sandwich maker to the stars?

BABEH! i saw your poll. i even voted in it! i hope you made it through the rest of your air conditioning-less day intact.

huzzah for voting! well, the fixit guy came and made fixit noises in the basement. it SEEMS to be working, but i've already reached the wilted melty stage, so TOO LATE.

(and i am totally with you on the one-ply t.p.: DIS-gusting.)

various memes always ask for "what's your pet peeve" and i can never think of any. this shall now be my answer every time, because seriously: WTF?

*shakes head* i don't know how you do it, buffs. *i* certainly couldn't. but i am in AWE of your talent.

talent? perhaps you mean masochism. or sheer stupidity.

word. i still like to attend the christmas eve midnight mass at my parish church in st. louis when i go back home for xmas... and of course, i still celebrate all the christian holidays 'cuz they're just so damn ingrained. but i love xmas. and halloween.

HALLOWEEN IS 20 KINDS OF AWESOME! i loves me some halloween. i always decorate the front porch and irritate shobi. *glee* and tk loves it as well. AND SO DOES A CERTAIN SKINNY FLUFFY-HAIRED BOY.

i'm sorry that you and shobi's fundamental differences in belief is saddening, but perhaps you'll be able to come to terms with his beliefs someday.

i'm just afraid i'm losing my faith because he doesn't believe and constantly says anyone who DOES believe in god is stupid. adn while he doesn't outright say I'M stupid, i'm lumped into the stupid group. *sigh*

ah, no, i didn't get your lj message. *glares with you at lj* but i'm so giddified that you're interested!! *does a happy dance* i'll send you a msg about some ideas.

*steeples fingers* EXXXXXCELLENT. i can't wait! *tap dances* <--- SHIELD YOUR EYES

huh. i kinda don't remember that part. but that's totally rad!

it's just before he tries on some shoes the wardrobe people brought and does a dorky little dance. dorky dances are the best. *nod*

despite elle's unlikeable personality, i always thought lola would be a cool person to hang out with/take an art class from/buy socks for mgg with.

and i thought she must be cool to let mgg show his drawing of her. i love lola-skeleton. then again, i love everything mgg does, so perhaps i'm biased. WHAT, ME?

(my grammar is slowly sliding into the "inexcusably horrible" category, i think.)


ditto!! i wasn't sure if you were a potter fan or not, but i'm so happy you are! <-----that sounded totally dumb.

nay, does not sound dumb at all. at least you didn't say "nay." i was just trying it out. i'm not sure it works. alas. but yes, i LOVE reading, especially fantasy and young adult stuff because i'm weird. i also recommend the bartamaius (can't spell) trilogy. if you're interested, i'll send you the link on amazon.

i think harry potter is one of the few book series i've read where the ending left me TOTALLY and COMPLETELY satisfied. i mean, 100%. i wasn't even bothered by the slightly sappy epilogue.

i think i agree. i really liked it. everything was wrapped up. and i'm looking forward to the movies.



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buffyaddict13 August 6 2008, 20:06:45 UTC
and lo, i am replying to our big blathery posts! yay!

but alas, no--i am a managing editor and technical writer for a publishing company that deals primarily with oil and refining (which means that ppl come to me for advice about the english language--HAH!).

wow! that's really impressive. *is impressed* and it's awesome you like your job and the people you work with. *clappyhands*

plus, i like having "MANAGING editor" on my resume... goes right up there with "MASTERS degree" for prestige!) *g* <-----is boasting. is now shutting up.

dude, you deserve to boast. *nod*

this? would be an example of a belly-laugh-inducing remark. i'm still smiling, hours later.

hee. *glom*

*sigh* i hope your A/C is working properly tomorrow

it IS working, thank goodness. *will never take a/c for granted again*

you know what i think? i think it's a conspiracy by MEN to make us get PEE on our HANDS. yes, i just said that.

i also think men invented pantyhose. bastards.

i get all gooney about the trees and the gift-giving and

*stare* you said "gooney"! that's one of my fav words. *hearts you EVEN MORE*

the present-wrapping and the holiday cheer and tv specials and santa and stuff.

i do like giving presents, but xmas is always stressful because my ex and i both want to spend time with tk and everything feels rushed and blah. :-/ hopefully that will get better when tk is older. also, tk still believes in santa too.

and an incentive for you to NOT de-friend me--i'm a GOOD person to have around at xmastime, if you like PREZZIES. :)

dude, i would NEVER defriend you. the horror!

"God exists for those who want to exist for God.
God does not exist for those who do not want to exist for God.
Nothing exists for those who want to believe in nothing, just as belief exists for those who want to believe.
It's as simple and as non-concrete as that."

that is beautiful. clearly you are a billionty times smarter than me.

when you're feeling frustrated about your non-agreement on the issue, give your frustration up to god. let it go. in time, shobi will (hopefully) see that you're in a comfortable place with your faith, and maybe that will allow him to reach a more comfortable place with his lack of faith. <----end of preachy me

hee. dear preachy you, you give good adivce. just sayin.

*takes off serious face, folds, and puts away*

you're always so neat tidy!

and onto the next bit. i hope your day is pretty fan-freakin-tastic.


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buffyaddict13 August 5 2008, 22:31:17 UTC

I HEART SNAPE AS WELL. i KNEW he was a good guy, I KNEW IT. and hermione wins at life. so does ron. and i adore the weasely twins. AND IF CAPSLOCKING IS WRONG I DON'T EVER WANT TO BE RIGHT.

is that the one with maltov cocktease? she's such a tiger!!

i...don't remember that person. but my brain has melted, so that could be why. note: i love that patrick warburton does brock's voice. patrick is made of so much win.

thank you, professor buffy! can i has an A+ in Making Peanut Butter And Jelly Class?

A++ <---- WOWZERS!

my pogo stick is candy-cane striped, with bat wings.

*makes note*

*switches to unicycle*

is THAT pink and sparkly?

hee. i'm starting to think that way too. you need to help me further my What Would Reid Do? campaign. and i think we need to get mgg to join. *giggles* *runs away*

*giggles with you, runs in circles*

mgg should totally join. but what he should REALLY do is get himself an lj account instead of myspace so he can friend us. and then i can send him virtual baby lamas and nerdy glasses.

that makes three of us. (you, me, and the evil twin growing out of my shoulder.) <------i am SO not in any way funny.

HAI EVIL TWIN. BE NICE TO MY [your sekrit name that you might not want me say here].

and ican'tthinkoftheothers and i would imdb this if i wasn't so fugging lazy.

i do not fault you for being lazy. i highly recommend it. and yes, i think that's the same guy.

a stalker who doesn't send presents. (point.)


can you believe i actually had to continue this comment in another FORM? lj sucks!

i totally can. i'm always typing too much and having lj rain on my comment parade. *haaaates* in fact, it took me 3 tries to get my above comment short enough to post. *facepalm*

(actually, i'm thinking about getting a paid acct b/c i want more icons, but i'm not aware of the other benefits said acct would offer... *note to self: do research. or ask buffy.* hee.)

hmmm. yes to the more icons which i love. in fact, i'm such an icon whore i have 110 and that's STILL not enough for all my fandoms. *shame* you can also make voice posts and post polls to your lj. i think you also get more storage space and have access to more journal designs, if you want to change the way your journal looks or whatnot.

oh yes, you should see how wild and crazy we get on the weekends around here...

ah, i see your weekends sound quite a bit like mine and shobi's! that's because we both live with someone who doesn't squee over what we squee over. *lament*

that's the plan. *crosses fingers*

and i cross mine as well. and yet i type surprisingly well!

what, so i can be deaf, sneezing, and buried under a mountain of glitter? ;)


oh yes! lovely! and singing kittens should dance in a ring around me and doves fly overhead and butterflies float through the sky. i can see it now. the perfect end to my sanity.

FLOPPY-haired kitties, btw. *nod* and dude, sanity is overrated. or maybe it's just me who thinks that.

seriously though, you are sweet AND funny--like one of those transparent lollipops with the bugs in the middle.

WAIT. WHAT KIND OF BUGS? i hope for ants.


not that you asked, or even care, but here's a link to a store that i think is super awesome town and has things you might like.

http://www.goreydetails.net/ (it's where i order the prezzies i send mgg.)



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