i meme, you meme, we all scream for...icememe?

Jul 31, 2008 14:00

that subject header sounded totally clever before i actually typed it. alas.

so luckinfovely had a meme, e i e i o.  i abscond with it here.

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) Tag eight people to do this quiz. Those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.

i tag whoever feels like blowing off work to do this. la!

1. What do you usually wear to bed, pjs or boxer shorts?

oversized t-shirt and jammie pants. well i'm off to a boring start. what i mean is...i wear the adamantium exoskeleton of a  radioactive blood beetle and mismatched socks. THAT sounds better.

2. What do you do before bedtime?

one or more of the following:

stay up way too late.
goof off online. 
read my flist.
attempt to write fic.
read fic.
obssess over mgg.
bring tk 100 drinks of water.
read comics.
read an actual book.
spend 3 hours looking for an icon that exists only in my mind.
think: oh shit, i'm gonna be tired in the morning.
plot the world's destruction.

3. Who would you choose to father your lovechild? stalk in inappropriate ways?

matthew gray gubler of course. but i don't just stalk skinny bed-headed celeb-pretties, i also stalk various online frendz. just ask refur and tiffosis and estei and riverbella and...most of my flist, actually. new people who i am currently interested in stalking include cycatryx and luckinfovely. and kymellon. HOPE THAT'S OKAY GUYS.

mostly this is because i have negative social skills and find it much easier to send people letters/e-mails/singing telegrams than actually talk to people one on one. what do you mean i have issues? that's it, you're off my stalkee list, buddy!

i'm tired of this question. NEXT.

4. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be and why? travel the world without worrying about money, kids or significant others, where would you go?

more like, where WOULDN'T i go?

for geek reasons i go here: vancouver, los angeles, cardiff.

for OMG I STALK YOU reasons i go to: limerick, ireland; glasgow, scotland, to italy, to indiana, north carolina, tiffosisland, sweden, nova scotia and probably more that i'm forgetting. i'd also like to back in time to the 1892 world's fair. THANKS.

5. Who is your girlcrush?

i just posted about this a while ago, so i shan't bore you except to say: BILLIE PIPER AND CATHERINE TATE. i'm not bovered!

6. What are your top 5 favorite uses of a song (or music) in a television show of all time?

okay, i've been wanting to post about music in tv for a while now, so i tricksily use this meme to do so. HA. i love music. i also love certain tv shows. when said shows use music to good affect i get all happy.

honorable mention: the music in bsg. one word: wow.
5. i used to watch oc. yeah, i admit it. and while it wasn't my fav show ever, i thought the use of imogen heap's "hide and seek" in the second season finale (when marissa shot ryan's brother) was AMAZING.
4. the rolling stones "sympathy for the devil" played over the opening scenes in the cm ep "revelations."
3. use of the styx song "renegade" in the end of the supernatural ep "nightshifter." IT IS AWESOME.
2. pretty much everything murray gold composes for doctor who. but especially "doomsday" for the beach scene in series 2 finale. if you can watch that and not cry you are a lump of coal and your heart is ice.
1. enya's "boadicea" played during the fire in the cm ep "ashes and dust."

i love it when shows use eclectic music like the pixies, annie lennox, elliot smith, enya, band of horses and the kooks. i've said it before and i'll say it again: criminal minds and homicide: life on the street win at life music.

7. Do you trust other people easily?

um, no. wellll i tend to trust people online but not in rl. so when i find out everyone on my list sekritly hates me, i'ma be pissed.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

1. be sad.
2. get over it.
3. create a fictional version of said person i can fic about to my heart's content.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?

just a little something i like to call "my life."

10. Do you have a good body-image?


*wipes eyes*

hee. although i've accepted how i look is how i look and i generally don't spend a lot of time thinking about it.

11. Is being tagged fun?

especially when playing freeze tag!

12. What are your guilty pleasure shows?

'my life on the d-list.'

13. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

people who say online friends "aren't real."

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

a puppet dictator. a large pink rabbit. a crystallized statue. oh wait, i wasn't tagged.

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?

"i cannot believe my eyes" from dr. horrible.

16. What are your favorite items of clothing?

baggy blue sweater with a big hole in it, spn t-shirt, my spongebob jammie pants, my dw shirt, skull shoes. <---- i'm classy!

17. What's better: to give or to receive?

give. i love sending people crap in the mail.

18. What's the first thing you notice in people?

sense of humor. if you're funny, you rock. i also notice if people are holding sticks or stones to throw at me. i don't like that shit.

19. Would you bungee jump from the Empire State Building for $10,000,000?

if i had 5 valium first. or i was unconscious.

20. What would you name your children when you have them? next cat?

captain jack
em gee gee
miss kitty fantastico


strongbad voice: it's OVER.

meme, bored now, work is dumb

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