Title: The Thin Ice 3/3
Author: buffyaddict13
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing: Sam, Dean, OFC, OMC / gen, no pairing
Summary: An average hunt turns deadly when a mysterious hunter kidnaps Sam and Dean, determined to exorcise a demon from Sam in order to "save" him. Sam and Dean insist Sam's not possessed but Libby doesn't believe them, and with good
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Oh, baby, this is so awesome! I like it even more this time through (is that even possible? My mind, she is blown!) You win!
Also, that artwork is pretty snazzy. *heads over to comment*
*clings to your ankle*
HOW ARE YOU? i miss you like the biggest missing thing ever!
♥ ♥ ♥
I had a fab weekend, but man, am I tired. And I've got some school stuff to do tonight and work tomorrow. I think I need a new life...
How are YOU? Did you see FIREWORKS?
how about now?
i'm glad you had a good weekend. <3
i am adequate. we saw SOME fireworks. turns out the people shooting them off accidentally shot a bunch off at once causing an explosion and blowing everybody off the raft. (they were being shot off a raft in the lake) nobody was seriously injured but it put a damper on the fireworks. um. oops.
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