this just in: non-emo update!

Mar 03, 2008 14:59

greetings flist.

welcome to this highly exciting memo about the goings on of the girl named me!

1)  i have seen various movies lately. i don't think i've blathered about this. if i have, my aplogies and go back to reading that fanfic you're pretending not to read.  movies i may or may not have talked about include:
charlie bartlett = FTW because i am still a stunted teenager inside my head. grownups suck, man!
vantage point = entertaining if you don't think about it too much. 
no country for old men = very good movie, but a tad grim. by "tad" i mean oh dear god amighty.

2)  inlaws visisted this weekend for shobi's bday. HE IS 37 TODAY. he would cry a single many emo tears if he knew i told y'all. to which i say: haha. ha. ha.  fun with inlaws was had. they are super nice and did not mock me (out loud) for working on spn collage all weekend.

3)  big love is crazy insane but i can't stop watching. wtf, i say!


5)  we went out to brunch yesterday and tk drew tons of dw pics on the back of his paper menu thingy. should i post these for your viewing pleasure/amusement/befuddlement? ____yes ____no

6)  my sunporch roof is leaking and shobi and i spent 2 hours outside friday afternoon, he on a ladder scraping the roof, and me gradually becoming turning into a snow drift. FUN TIME! the roof is still leaking but not as much (i've decided). i've also covered the drippy bits with plastic.

dear winter:

please die.


7) the good news: tk's foot is doing better! thankies for all the good vibes and wishes. the bad news: he has a new sore on the bottom of his big toe. apparently, he needs bionic feet. i plan to start saving for this pronto. on the plus side, he's been in a great mood and we had lots of fun sword fighting, nerf dart-gunning and lyp-syncing to "stayin alive" for no good reason.  even though i'm cyclically emo every 8.3 hours, i'm so glad TPTB  have seen fit to give me a tk who is made of pure and shiny win and who enjoys poking fun of shobi with me.

dear lost,

HOLY CRAP you're good!

intriguedly (shut up, it's a word) yours,

8) my current plan is to post the next chapter of WHGD by thurs (or earlier).  you have been warned. plan accordingly.

9)  and lastly, does anyone have an external cd burner? our cd burner is super dead and we've been discussing getting a new one but i'm dubious about these. do they work? anyone?

10) chocolate flavored skittles are not as good as they sound.

thank you for reading. today's post has been sponsored by the number 42, meeno peluce*, and jam.

*if you know who this is, you are also old and/or nerdy like me! in which case: \0/

rl blather, tk for the win, work is dumb

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