belive it if you need it..or leave it if you dare....

Mar 19, 2006 22:11

well well's time for another XL update from Dee!!!

it's spring break time!

The first day was sorta miserable to be perfectly honest..and the forecast for the rest of it doesn't look all the bright but alot of the times weathermen are wrong anyways.

well my exams were very dissapointing.I made a 85 on my AP english exam.chances are I will still have an A and your suppose to add 5 points blah blah blah but whatever.The whole 5 points thing shouldn't be an issue and I should be able to swim (not sink) with out it.92 on my s/m buisness education class.That class seems repetitive and i really think I could have aced it but i had so much snot running out my nose,i had to go to the bathroom insanely bad and i felt like i had been hit by a truck so even when i accidentally bubbled in the wrong thing i was too fatigue to actually erase it (yeah i had to LIFT UP the back of my pencil to even EXPOSE the eraser...i couldn't do that in my condition) anyways...Geology test was LONG.I AGONIZED b/c i couldn't remeber where the asteroid belt was located and on the way up to turn it in my brain remebered and i kept saying "turn around Dee it's not too late!!!"...but alas...I was already half way there.I still made a 100....but if i had gotten that asteroid question i could have made a ONE-OH-TWO!


ANYWAYS-i speant the 1st day of spring break in hospitals,waiting rooms,funeral homes,and driving around in extremely taxing traffic.all aginst my will.I never protested but inwardly admitted that driving old pepole around on a beautiful day when i could be out fishing,running,or hiking,OR even at the wasn't exactly my choice of pastimes.but hey...J-o-Y...that song..they sang all the time when i was little in VBS Jesus first,yourself last and others in between (J-O-Y)..I guess it rubbed off...b/c i was helping humanity or somthing.

Dracula is a really really good book and so is Frankenstein.

so Friday night Joey called me and we went to the movies Saterday and saw Pink Panther.It was really funny.good'ole Joey.Then I went shopping and ate and stuff.Those mango I.Cs from Panera are really good.try one.Then Joey called and we made future plans that may or may not pan out.I mean i would say they would..but all the things my parents promised look very doubtful now (doubtful b/c of their own violition and not circumstances out of their control) instead of waiting rooms and [me] stressing in bad traffic it looks more like i will be cooped up in the house,alone.Which is a bummer.Why oh why did I forget how quickly things change?..I'm always like "Ok Dee you've learned your lesson..don't trust when pepole say how things will be"..but somehow i forget.I think it would have been different if it wasn't my parents.I need to remeber to trust them less.(not b/c they are bad pepole or shotty parents but j/b its the way things usually turn out)...(yes i meant to say SHOTTY.not....any other synonyms for poopy..or anything...not a typo)

^^^^:::note to self::::^^^^^

well anyways...thats the way the cookie is crumbling right now.I'm just trying my hardest to tell myself that spring break isn't special and that I am a AWFUL person for trying to make it special.GOODNESS DEE! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?

anyways....even if i don't get to do what I planned I am secretly an optomist and i WILL make this spring break fun.EVEN IF I DO HAVE TO HAVE SURGERY LATER!'s all a state of mind deal anyways..


hope everyones doin...happy....

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