
Aug 27, 2008 21:48

So...what's up peeps?
What's new in the world of Buff, you ask?
*sigh* Not really much -new-, just a lot of the same ol same ol shit. I still work for the same nice asshole. It's such a contradiction in terms, but I mean it. He's a great guy, brilliant doctor (though it seems that's not a widely held opinion in the veterinary community in my area), and a -mostly- good boss. He takes care of us and stands up for us when clients get beligerant and try to verbally abuse us, but he won't stand up for us when it comes to internal political shit within the hospital. For instance, before we moved to the new building two years ago, our yearly uniform allowance was $150. When we all moved in together, His Supreme Majesty (Dr. Franklin, the internist and all around grand poobah of the place) decided that 1, ALL employees should be treated equally, and that means equal benifits, and 2. He wasn't going to shell out $150/year for everyone else, so we had to drop. Bastards.
So the reason for this tirade is I had a bad day at work yesterday and ultimately it boils down to my boss not doing the right thing. If you, dear reader, have been here very long, you may have heard me talk about Louis. He's our tech assistant, and he's a high-functioning autistic. He's pretty intelligent, totally soaks up knowledge, but when it comes time to implement the knowledge in practical situations, we have a problem. For instance, a few weeks ago, he went to take out an IV catheter, something he's done for months now, and he cut a hole in the skin so deep and long it had to be sutured closed. So, my bad day yesterday. As the certified tech I'm the one that does anesthesia (actually giving the drugs to knock them out, putting the tube down their throat, and hooking them up to the gas machine). I almost killed a patient yesterday, buy overdosing it. The weight on the cage sheet (everyone is weighed upon admission to the hospital) said 29.4 pounds. So I drew up drugs and administered drugs for a 30 pound dog. Imagine my surprise when the dog goes into respiratory distress. After much panic, tube adjustments, chest xrays, and bitching back and forth with my boss, we figure out the dog weighs 14.8 pounds. :-O So my boss says "We just have to make sure you guys double check." >=( I say "So you're paying us to do everything he does -again-?!" "No, of course not, that's not what I said" says he. "Well that's how I feel" I said. And it's the truth. There are so many things on an unspoken list of his responsibilities that we have to go double check. In my opinion (and feelings) it's babysitting and a waste of time and resources. And I feel utterly horrible about feeling/thinking that way. He's 50 years old and the sole breadwinner in his family. His wife is disabled and unable to work, along with having major medical issues. I have great sympathy for that, but dammit. Because I didn't double-check the weight on the dog, I almost killed him. I take full responsibility because I administered the drugs, but what amd I supposed to do if I can't even trust the quality of work of my co-workers? Is it too much to ask to be able to have that trust?

I don't need this stress. Do you know how much stress affects your ovulation? For people who've never tried to get pregnant before, you don't know/care. If you're too stressed, your ovulation is delayed or even absent. And you can't get pregnant without an egg. And that precious little egg is only good for 24 hours. So if your ovulation is delayed, you may not have sex at the right time. You've blown a whole cycle. And when you are desperately trying to get pregnant, the emotional upheaval is unbearable, and yes, stressful! Ah the irony of it all.

Can you tell what else is going on in my life? Three guesses and the first two don't count.

Thank you for listening/reading.
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