You guys have to hear this song!
IM me and I will send it to you.
PLEACA! (endless zone and central bpm)
E un destin pentru fiecare dintre noi
Accept sau nu, sunt eu, e doar al meu
Poate si eu gresesc, poate si eu ranesc
Sunt eu, accepta-ma caci nu ezit sa-ti spun
Imi pare rau
Cine ar putea sa caute-n trecut
Sa vada ce vise am avut
Am plans, am ras, am suferit
Am fost iubit sau poate nedorit
Un vis ciudat m-a cuprins intr-o zi
Si parca vad cum ma zbat intre mortii cei vii
Gata, s-a terminat, nu pot sa cred si oare ce sa fac?
Pleaca, stiu ca visez
Traiesc, sunt eu si n-am sa fiu ce crezi
Pleaca, e tot ce imi doresc,
Eu pot sa lupt si am sa-tï dovedesc
Translation compliments of Diana Cosobea It's a destiny for each one of us
I accept it or not; it's me; it's just mine
Maybe I make mistakes; Maybe I hurt someone too
It's me, accept me, cause I don't hesitate to say: I'm sorry.
Who could search in the past
To see what dreams I had
I cried I laughed I suffered
I was loved or maybe unwanted.
A weird dream came over me one day
And it seemed like I struggled between the dead alive
That's it, it's over, I can't believe it.
And what (in the world) can I do?
Leave! I know I am dreaming...
I'm living... it's me and I won't be what you think
Leave!, it's all that I want
I can fight and i will prove it to you...