Whats up?

Jan 14, 2010 22:09

Sorry I haven't been around LJ much :P I started community college for worker retraining  full time January 4th and I'm still getting adjusted to the work load. The government did pay my tuition for this quarter, so big yay to that! I need to get financial aid for spring though.

I'm doing...
Math class Monday - Friday at 9:30a-10:20a (have to leave at 8 to get there and get a parking place! HAR!) Then I usually stay an hour or two in the math lab.

Access/Database Tuedays 7:50p to 10p Awesome teacher.

English Composition Online. The teacher suggests we spend 3 hours a day working on reading and assignments for this class. Seems kinda kookoo, but whatever.

Seeing in Black and White (photography) Thursdays at 7p + weekend field trips to take photos. Man are there some advanced people in this class! One guy has a $4000 camera; another person has sent a few of his cameras out to be converted to infrared. I'm still using my $150 point and shoot. It's kind of intimidating, but it's continuing ed, so grades don't matter. This is at Shoreline, not Bellevue like my other classes.

Mostly the english is kicking my ass because it requires so much time and I'm also not that interested in the book selected for the class. I need to push myself so I don't get behind.

I also spend a ton of time studying math. My teacher must have gotten a peek at the tedious way I study because today she offered to help speed me through the chapters by quickly explaining concepts. I don't know if that will work for me to not.

Everyone in my math class is super young. I'm the only old lady, but I didn't really feel weird or anything. That is until one girl asked me if I was "Doing the same math as the rest of the class, or something special". You know, like some special middle aged math XD haha. Nope, I'm doing the same dumb ass math as the rest of you. Made me realize how I must stand out!

Maybe I'm cute like those little old ladies that graduate from college at 80? So endearing ;)

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