Paranormal Activity SPOIIIIIIIILERS!

Oct 17, 2009 23:49

Jacki, Jonna and I went to see Paranormal Activity tonight. It was a bit of a let down, but still pretty fun/scary. I was looking at IMDB afterwards to find the exact figure they spent on the movie when I read a question posted by someone who had seen the movie.

They were asking if anyone managed to see what the "demon" had written on the ouija board. Here is the answer that cracked me up!

"it says, and i quote... "thanks suckers for spending money to see this horrible movie. you have allowed me to put money aside to send my child to ghost chicken college, of which i am an alumni. also i have enough to go to ghost cancun to see some ghost boobs on ghost spring break."

effin a this movie sucked."

Too funny!!

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