103 degrees all week? no thanks!

Aug 14, 2007 00:50

Since last time:

--Ate three different kinds of pork at the same party.
--Was an efficient processor of red wine and sangria.
--Swear to god that I am, in fact, wearing a top in this picture.

--Officially have mosquito bites covering 50% of my body.
--Sucked on mini-jawbreakers harvested from a dead car.
--Dipped my toes (and everything else) in two different swimming pools and bought the hottest swimsuit ever. (For the fans, yes: BOOBS.)

--Went on Dates 2, 3, 4, and 5 with Ramsey, with each one just getting better and better.
--Spent 3,246 hours on the phone with said dude that I date because we are CRAZY.
--Was the gleeful recipient of the prettiest bunch of stargazer lilies you've ever seen.

--Fell HARD on a patch of wet tile and wrecked my knee and shoulder. Wiiiipeouuut!
--Officially made it though last week's copy projects without LOSING MY MIND and only minor threats of face-stabbing.
--Marveled at Ashlee's mad "General Lee" cake-construction skillz.

--Was gifted with an unexpected-but-adorable light-up kitty-shaped eraser from my admin buddy.
--Got to spend LOTS of time with my amazing friends, which made me super-duper happy.
--Am pretty much a really lucky girl. It's good to be me right now!

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