Fast Fiction Challenge 2006 - let the challenges commence

Jun 21, 2006 15:06

As you'll have seen the past week or so, the challenges are being met on schedule and I've only - as of the time of writing - three left to do.

You know what's coming... I need more...

A reminder of the challenge:Reply with a title (maximum of four words) about which you'd like me to write a fast fiction of exactly 200 words, together with a single word you want me to include in the text of the tale.

(Completely daft suggestions will be ignored, so no suggestions of "antidisestablishmentarianism" along with a title of "sex lives of cornflakes".)

I'll try to do one a day, but no promises.

OK, go.
The list of the first one hundred and something stories done in 2005 is here.

I'm hoping that people will plug this on blogs, journals, mailing lists, etc., so feel free to hype this to anyone and everyone. Non LJ members can either post the suggestions using LJ's "anonymous post" thing (but please ask them to remember to identify themselves so I can let them know it's been done!) or email me on budgie at hypotheticals dot co dot uk.

The URL for this entry, by the way, if you want to link to it, is:

fast fiction challenge 2006

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