Nov 05, 2006 06:51
philosphy by martin
take one,
if love was a house, this is what it would look like
honesty is the fondation of trust. without this foundation, trust would crumble and fall to the ground. likewise, if you make a foundation out of honesty, but it isn't complete, the level of trust will stand up, but not for very long. in order for honesty to be a complete support, it itself has to be complete.
next is trust. honesty is something that happens in the past. honesty becomes credit that allows you to build trust. trust is something of the future and the unseen present. trust is the level inwhich love is build on. trust is a level you must have. if you have love, but no trust, eventualy your love will come crashing down and shatter on the ground. love falling hurts more than trust falling, because it happens from a higher place. as with honesty, if there is a level of trust, but it isn't complete, it will hold up love, but not for very long. a shaky foundation of trust is built on a shaky foundation of honesty.
one level doesn't need to be complete to build the next. but if you want the house to stand, you have to finish one foundation before you start building on the other.
this is any one, signifigent other, friend, pet. to what ever it is, it has to be complete to be worth something. who would want a house built on bad foundations?
and likewise, these foundations have to be complete with yourself before they can truly be made complete with others.
agreements, disagreements, suggestions?