A rambling update

Jan 11, 2011 22:12

I wish it didn't seem like every other entry nowadays in which I have to start off with an apology/excuse as to why it's been such a long duration since my previous update. But, alas, here I am again. Almost one month since my previous update. And, here I am once again apologizing to you for not having graced you with more of my little rants.

Perhaps it's because things seem pretty mundane lately. Whenever I write something about my life, it's always the same stuff. Thesis, classes, being stressed out, subsequently procrastinating, being more stressed out as a result, rinse and repeat. My political rants have also been about the same old talking points: my disappointment in the US government's lack of investment in public transportation and smart city growth strategies. Seems like my LiveJournal has become so redundant with the same bitter, thoughtless ramblings.

I could write about my research. But, I have yet to do a better job with that in my actual academic work. So, instead of wasting time divulging my thesis work into the LJ, it would best be served actually going into the thesis itself.

The holidays were wonderful. Spent Christmas in Connecticut with my aunt and dad and saw the cousins. Spent New Year's in New York with Russell, Thomas, and lots of other wonderful Steubenville friends - and even some new New York friends. Logan even managed to come down and join me on New Year's for Christmas. It was probably one of the best New Year's I've ever had - though super busy and though I was sick throughout the weekend.

For the first time, I took the train down in order to get to New York. It takes longer than the bus. But, it's so much more comfortable. I can get up, walk around, hang out in the snack car, etc. There's much more legroom. The train is so comfortable and pleasant. I just wish it was faster. Kinda ridiculous pondering over the fact that it takes 11 hours to travel 350 miles. Just saying. Not that I even intended to use this as my usual soapbox about the pitiful state of public transportation in the US... But I'm just sayin'... ;-)

During New Year's weekend, I was pretty sick. So, I was sipping on DayQuil in between drinking vodka sodas. It was fun. Here I was getting drunk + tripping/hallucinating on DayQuil. So much more interesting of an experience than merely being drunk/high. My body/mind loved it.

I need to start thinking about the post-Master's plans... That is coming up much faster than I thought. Seems like only yesterday that I was settling in Montreal. Now, I have to figure out what the next step is. I'd love to stay in Montreal. But, I also want to take a job in English. Not to be stubbornly Anglocentric or anything...

Internships are going well. I'm rather behind in Hydro Quebec stuff, but I love my CEATI work. Editing articles is so relaxing. It's nice to not have to sit down and design stuff. It's nice just to be the nitpick that I naturally am - and get paid well for it. Plus, the people there are delightful. It's such a great place to work. Plus, they operate entirely in English. BIG plus!

Things with Logan are splendid. I feel guilty, because I was being a huge diva/drama-queen/bitch to him on New Year's, but I apologized and have tried my best to be more patient and not crazy. And, I'm soooooooooo grateful that he's super understanding and patient with my craziness.

Logan helped me make HuNan beef the other night. And, I worked on this dish a second time by myself. I'm working on refining a recipe for HuNan hot 'n spicy beef that resembles that of the godly Alice from the Steubenville HuNan. My latest attempt wasn't half bad. The next one can only be better. I'm excited. :-D

Life is good right now. Just need to be better focused on my thesis stuff. Which should be a bit easier in the absence of classes. Yay!

logan, school, travels, friends, family

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