Here are some exciting developments.
I have a job for the summer in Montreal. I will be working part-time at the Centre of Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI), a consortium of utility companies and researchers that share information to address technical issues in power systems management. I will be editing articles, which is awesome because it is pretty much a company paying me to read articles that help me with my research. I'm really blessed for this opportunity, and I hope that I'm able to do a good job for this company and on behalf of my supervising professor.
I'm also traveling to Italy in July to attend the International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) in Bari. I will be presenting a paper on how to detect and respond to the isolation of a particular area of a power grid. I will be presenting stuff that other folks in my lab group have been working on, so I'll be spending much of the summer working on this project and preparing this presentation. This will be my first time traveling to Europe and my first time presenting at something this high-profile. I'm really nervous, especially because I am only just now getting into my grad-student researchy groove. This will definitely be quite a kick-start, though. Hopefully, not a kick in the ass, though... We'll see; I'm definitely excited, but quite nervous...
I'm happy, though, to have a clear idea of what is going on this summer. Now that I have a job and everything lined up this summer, I know for sure that I will be able to stay in Montreal and afford being here. It would have been a shame having endured the hells of Montreal winter if I did not then have a chance to enjoy the festive summer in Montreal.
The next few weeks will be pretty hellish. Exam time. And, on par with my terrible study/work habits, I have procrastinated lots of stuff to these critical next few weeks. Blah...
I've been really blessed lately. I just wish that, at the bottom of my heart, I could feel as if I deserve it more. I have dropped the ball a lot lately on my studies and work ethic. I need to grow up and develop much better self-discipline. I hope that I am able to live up to the expectations that God has put upon me lately. I feel like I've really let myself down lately - and I need to get my ass back in gear soon.