Mar 17, 2010 21:14
To commemorate my 24th birthday, I spent a bunch of time racking my brain to come up with "24 ways that I've changed since last year." After a lot of scratching my head, I realized that not a lot has, indeed, changed. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... Nonetheless, my locational setting and my immediate group of friends may have changed. But, much of me remains the same. So, instead of writing out ways that I've changed, I'll reflect simply on 24 random facts about me (in case you don't already know from reading the rest of this silly lil' LJ).
24 Random Facts About Myself
1. I'm Mike George. I may not be the only "Mike George," but I might be the only "Michael Nicholas George" out there. And, I'm probably the only "Mike George" to which all of the other 23 things on this list apply.
2. I feel beautiful. I embrace who I am fully. However, I didn't always feel beautiful. But, I often wonder if feeling beautiful also encourages stasis and complacency. Back when I hated myself, at least I could muster up the motivation to change who I was for the better. Now, I've become lazy and I've settled for who I am - instead of having a clear direction towards which to dash forward full-speed.
3. I enjoy my daily commute. I feel like such a sophisticated "grown-up in the city" when I ride the metro, when I walk down streets between rows of glittering skyscrapers, when I briskly walk around with my backpack and laptop case. It makes me feel like I have some sort of purpose - and that a summation of all these short commutes will eventually lead somewhere incredible.
4. I sing randomly when I'm inebriated. This includes (but is not limited to) drunkedness, stonedness, and general tiredness.
5. I don't work hard enough. I need a good ass-kicking sometime to my self-esteem so that I actually get angry enough at myself to start giving a shit 100% about things.
6. I lack focus. I want to do too many things. I'm one of these people who would spent 70% of a project getting distracted by things - political articles on BBC, random fascinations on Wikipedia, etc. Sometimes, I think I'm too curious for my own good.
7. I hate that I oversleep so much. My scheduled wakeup time is 7:00 am. Yet, I have hardly ever managed to actually get up at this time. And, each time, I fail to wake up as I schedule for myself, the more I feel like a failure. Which further discourages me from making a productive day out of any given day.
8. I don't speak up for myself enough. I often pass up good opportunities to fight for a worthy cause. I need more self-confidence to solve this problem.
9. I HATE when people text me for things that they should have called me about (i.e. serious emotional issues, subjects requiring complex explanations, conversations that require lots of mutual confirmations).
10. I hate it when people bash Ohio. Sure, it's not the glitziest place in the world, and it doesn't have as many Starbucks per capita as some of the more "sophisticated" parts of the US. But, it's still pretty awesome. And, you can't always judge a place by how many redundant upscale shopping malls and pretentious bars it has.
11. The McGill library often makes me cry. It's always so crowded during the times when I'm the most stressed out already. Plus, they don't allow me to drink my Chai lattes when I'm studying in the library. Sad face.
12. I appreciate it when you hold the door open for me. And, I always say "Merci." I apologize, though, if you would've prefrred "Thank you."
13. I enjoy random smiles from strangers.
14. I need to work out. I'm approaching the peak of my physical existence, and I need more to show for it. I am satisfied with my physical appearance, but there's always room for improvement. Plus, it's empowering and a good outlet for pent-up angst and stress.
15. I try pretty hard to be unique. But, I'm still pretty cliche'. And, the fact that I do try to be unique probably makes me even more cliche'.
16. I have the worst "gay-dar" out of everyone I know. "Gay-dar" relies on stereotypes about the gay community that I hate. My ideal world is one where some straight guys "act gay" and some gay guys "act straight." Not out of necessity to fit into some norm. But, for the necessity to live irrelevant of someone else's standard.
17. "17" is my favorite number. It's the date of my birthday. Plus, it was my soccer number (even though I only played for two years and SUCKED). Plus, it contains lucky number "7." I guess I just picked "17" for the sheer fact that it seemed that I needed to have a lucky number.
18. I like my hair. It reacts well to all my products, and does pretty well with cooperating when trying to style it. I want to try something crazy with it. Maybe grow it out a lot. I always question whether or not I would look good with long hair.
19. I've always wanted to try the whole Asian hipster look. Maybe get a piercing or something. But, then again, I like my body pure - with no piercings or tattoos. I feel like getting a piercing or tattoo would, in a way, be some sort of a rebuke to the beauty that God has already given me. As if I'm not beautiful enough how I am that I need some metal shit to make myself even prettier. I like to make due with everything I already have.
20. I spend a lot of money on drinking and going out. I don't know if that's because these things are so damned expensive in Quebec, or if it's because there have been more opportunities to partake in all this. Probably a damning combination of both factors.
21. I procrastinate getting started on projects. But, when I start on one, I often obsess over them. Which makes me wish that I didn't procrastinate on the initialization of a project. It would give me more time to obsess over them and to have fun with them, instead of stressing over them.
22. I feel like a bad son for not having talked to Mom in so many months. If/when we ever do talk again, though, the conversation will probably last no longer than 15 minutes, despite the huge duration that has elapsed. We just have nothing in common. It's not a good or bad thing. It's just a fact. I still love my mom - even if we have absolutely NOTHING in common.
23. When I take showers, I prohibit myself from touching walls or holding onto railings. Even when I am washing my legs and feet. I feel that making myself balance on one foot while shifting my weight in the shower improves my natural sense of balance. It has proven me well on my excellence at many Wii Fit games. I engage in a similar practice in the metro, where I'll to ride without holding on to any of the railings.
24. My bookmarked sites are my personal homepage, MyMcGill, Gmail, Google Voice, Wright-Patt Credit Union, RBC Royal Bank, LiveJournal, Facebook, MySpace, MSNBC, BBC News, The Economist, The Daily Beast, and "Wired" magazine.