March into spring.

Mar 02, 2009 10:55

It's been a while since a good update here.  It's also just been the end of a crazy, hella busy month.  No surprises.  February is always pretty rough.

School has been crazy.  The past three weeks have been filled to the brim with projects, exams, and presentations.  Last week was an "easy week" that, nonetheless, consisted of two exams.  Yeah... it's pretty bad.  But, I don't get stressed anymore.  This is my fifth year of this kind of shit.  At this point, it's just like "meh."  I'm too old and jaded to get stressed out about this same ol' school stuff anymore.  haha!

Dating has been a clusterfuck-and-a-half.  However, I went on a very promising date this weekend with someone I met last weekend through a friend.  It's nice to see the madness of this month settle down to a viable option for me.  In the interests of not jinxing myself once again in front of my LiveJournal, more info on this matter will be posted later.  We'll see then if and how this thing actually progresses.  And, if not, then YAY for having more time to spend on being productive!

At this point, I have heard back from all three schools I applied to.  Here now is the verdict.
McGill - YES!
Carnegie-Mellon - YES!
MIT- no

I've had a huge craving lately for Cousin Vinny's pizza.  Steubenville has jaded me to any form of non-square tray pizza, but, for some reason, I have been on this kick for Cousin Vinny's pizza and breadsticks.  Could have something to do with the fact that it was my comfort food during a couple of the allnighters a couple weeks ago.

I love how, whenever "Legally Blonde" comes on TV, I am instantly drawn to it - despite having watched it about three times...

Damn, I need to get home for my "Price is Right" lunchbreak here.  Drew Carey has gotten much better than when he first started hosting.  I should have given him a little bit more faith.

school, professional, favorite things, dating and relationships

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