Aug 17, 2006 00:20
Yeah - school... First day was alright. We just did the usual first day bullshit and talked about the syllabus. I was highly surprised though because not a single teacher made us do one of those ridiculous scavenger hunts where you have to find a person to fit descriptions like "were you born outside the U.S?" or "Are you majoring in Biology?" and other stupid questions like that. Should be interesting. Math class wont be as hard as I was worried it would be. Who knows, it could be a good school year... might actually makes some friends this time around. Haha, I'm so shy out of my element.. one thing I would definitely change about myself. so pathetic.
nothing else exciting is going on. I've started knitting again. With the scraps of yarn I'm trying to make some hair falls. It takes a lot of time to unravel all that damn yarn but what I got looks hot so far. Funny thing is, I dunno if I'm brave enough to wear them. oh well.
The house is the cleanest it's ever been. It makes me so happy. I stayed up til 2 o, clock in the morning the day before school cleaning - ridiculous, but worth it.
Back to school again tomorrow/today/after I sleep/thursday whatever. hah.
I'm gonna shut up and try and sleep or something.