Apr 11, 2009 01:59
I'm tired of all of this bullshit. Backstabbing girlfriends, being depressed about it, all of that. I'm done with it. It's time for me to concentrate on me and me alone god dammit. I just wish I could find a woman who can be honest about something for once. I'm tired of this. Every time I think I can help things change for the better with a relationship it ends up being thrown back in my face because of something. Whether it's fate, God, Satan, or just a big old LIE I don't know what. It all falls apart. My bridges have been burned and I'm fucking regretting it. I'm not going to look for someone anymore, I'm done with that because it leads nowhere but downhill. If someone comes along then GREAT! Until then I'm fucking done.
That is all.