Jan 11, 2006 08:13
So...this semester started with so much promise...but now that I know that most of my classes suck ass, it is starting to seem less promiseing.
I had no class Monday beacause I didn't have registered classes until Monday Evening due to a hold on my account from the parking office. On Tuesday Nights all I have is Astonomy 100, the very easy class. My professor help clear some things up for me-
1)Science is not about feelings, love, or religion
2)Science is not about facts, facts are infinate and you cannot measure infinity.
3)The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West
4)How to add and subtract 2 numbers...I'm not kidding, he actully talked to us about how to add and subtract
5)Felling good about yourself feels good
I am currently missing my World Origins class beacause North Quad is a flux of dimentions and I got lost looking for the classroom.
I just read the syllbus for my English 104 class, while some of my friends have English 104 classes where they watch the Office and Family Guy, or do cool class projects, my class is about learning that I'm part of bigger communities. This includes an oral presentaion, reading 100 pages a night out of a book, and accepting that I am part of the collective. Oh and also, if you miss a draft for any assignment, you fail. AUTO FAIL! and my teacher sounds like a complete bitch, I guess I'll just have to see later this morning.
All I can hope is that my Psych class this semester is better then last semester.