9 Months Appointment

Jul 04, 2006 00:33

went pretty well. Ali's infection has pretty much cleared up (antibiotics till Thursday morning, though) and the doc said her intestinal flora should reestablish itself quickly after the antibiotic course. We'll give her till the end of that weekend before we try to do something about it. Otherwise, everything normal, nothing out of the ordinary, it seems. Weight 16lb6oz, 50th percentile, head 25th percentile, height 25th also, those last two rather questionable. Little chubber. If she lost weight being sick, she's gained it all back.

She did have to have some blood drawn, and cried all the way, probably more from being confined by me and the lab techs. I didn't even notice a change in pitch when the needle was inserted. She also cried when the doc examined her. Didn't like being touched by strangers, I suppose. The bubblegum crap didn't go down easy tonite either - she seems to have been tired of all the violence done to her today. Was somewhat cranky in the bath with her friend. Slept a lot today also, probably tired from having less blood for a bit. Hopefully will recover tomorrow.

Milestone type stuff
-Sits up by herself, sort of cruising if there is something interesting to get to and she doesn't feel like getting mommy to get it for her. Very cute the way she pulls herself up over the bathtub edge to feel the water and try to get in.
-Babbles a lot, but doesn't say mama or anything specific, although she does understand some words: Ali/Alisha, хрюня/хрюша, зеркало, спать, мама, папа, где, нельзя (sort of). We're working on signing, so far no evidence that she understands, but that doesn't mean anything.
-Plays peekaboo, bangs things together, has very good pincer grasp. Sometimes answers waves with a small one of her own. -Can sorta stand for a sec before she figures out to hold on to something.
-Still likes cheerios and cukes, does ok with cooked veggies also, bread, and berries are great. May be persuaded to eat kasha, meatballs.
-Has become more clingy. Will crawl to me if not extremely busy and happy. Clingy is also literal, she now clutches my arm or whatever is nearby, instead of being passively carried. Very sweet, for now.

I may update the post if I think of any other major accomplishments. I have no idea why I am not asleep.

health, ali, firsts

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