walala bing bang!!!!

May 03, 2004 13:17

haha hey there. time for my update. hahaa.

13 GOING ON 30

so i FINALLY got to see a movie! and not just ANY movie, but a movie i REALLY wanted to see!! yipppee. haha. so anyway, i KNEW itw as going to be a cute movie, and boy was i right. it WAS cute. hahaa.

jennifer garner is really good in this romantic comedy...i could see her possibly doing more in the future. man, that girl can cry. haha. it made ME cry! TWICE!!! hahaa. i cried once in the middle and once at the end. haha. well, no biggie for me. i think i cry at like, EVERY romantic comedy. dude, that's sad. AHAHAHA.

so yeah, if you haven't watched it, go watch it! really cute. and the guy in it - mark ruffalo...i've never seen him in another movie before, but i know he was in In The Cut with meg ryan. didn't see that though...but he's so cute! he's got like, chubby cheeks and his voice is soft and raspy. hahaa. and the chemistry between the two characters is SO adorable. well i guess it's cuz jennifer garner thinks she's still a kid, so they have a lot of childish fun when they're together. hahaa. GO WATCH.


this section is for christie. hahaha. cuz only she can appreciate it. everyone else is a hater. HAHAAHA. that boy's got talent. you can't deny that. he may look gay, but that's not his fault. AHAHA

i only put one picture so as to not torture the rest of ya'll. ya like, christie?!?! hahaha.

so eclipse gum has come out with that new flavor LEMON ICE, the yellow one:

i bought a three-pack cuz i was like, well, anything by eclipse has to be good, plus, how can gum that makes your breathe smell good...taste BAD?? hahaa. so i chewed it.

may i just say that gum is the NASTIEST piece of gum i have ever put into my mouth. it was disgusting.

it tastes like THERAFLU, and i HATE theraflu. that stuff is NASTY:

but yeah...if you want to feel like you're chewing medicine, then try the gum. otherwise, STAY AWAY. :)

dude, yahoo mail sends SO much junk mail. my bulk mail is always like, 500 emails that i never even look at and just delete. arrrg. and my UT one is starting to get a lot of junk mail too. it's really annoying...but i guess now that i have a work mail, i can use taht as my official mail? haha. we'll see.

anyway, so the other day i was in my inbox in yahoo mail, when i saw an email with the funniest title:

one potato, two potato, three potato, KATY!!!!

AGAGAHAHAHA. yeah...i was like, waht!? hahaa. like, usualyl when i sign up for like, junk stuff, i use the name "katy" so as to not give them my real name (although it's not like it's that far from my actual name...) so yeah..it just seemed funny that it was like...a nursery rhyme and then all of a sudden a name. AHAHAHA. okay, i guess you had to be there.

yeah, i am one. can't help it...always been like that. i dont' even share spoons with my own FAMILY. hahaha. i think only on RARE occassions have i done it and might i say, i just cringe when that happens. so recently i'm noticing that not only am i just a germaphobe, i'm also a PARANOID one at that. like, when i go into the restroom at work, i wipe the ENTIRE toilet seat down, AND the stall door handle. i just can't stand the thought that people wipe their butts and then open their stall door. SICK. hahahaa. and that's all before they finally wash their hands...IF they do that.

do you know peopel who don't wash their hands after they go to the bathroom? hahaha. i think i do. well...i know of some for SURE b/c i was with them in the bathroom, but then some people...i suspect. hahaah. cuz when they come out of the bathroom their hands are even wet. hahaa. sick.
random thoughts:
- excited about the summer: CAMP IMPACT!!! WEDDINGS!!! NEW CAR!!! hahaa.
- i'm starting to drink more and more water now. but it has to be REALLY cold water. that's the only thing i drink at work. nice, huh? hahaa.
- starting up pilates again...havne't done it since...my sister's wedding. AHAHAHA. i started it so i'd get in shape to fit into the dress for my sister's wedding, and then i quit after it was over. but now...i see tons of flab on my big belly.
- btw, don't even bother trying those diet patches. remember i did it for three months? yeah, it didn't work. and not only that, for girls, they stop your menstrual cycle. i didn't get mine the ENTIRE three months i used the diet patch...i'm sure you wanted to know that. HAHAHAA.
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