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I'm curious however to know what parts of Yunho you found ooc, since that is what you said was the source of Changmin's ooc behavior was. I am not at all offended; in fact I am working on making him stronger again so I would like your input. Changmin happened to meet him at one of the lowest points of his muse life ever. So I apologize for that. If Changmin's anger was spurred on by Yunho's forgiveness, then I'm sorry if that sounded ooc. I might be covering bases I don't need to be, but to my Yunho forgiveness is one of the biggest parts of his faith besides love. If you mean things like unicorns, well, sorry about that. Trying to cut back on those...
I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to tell you. Yunho was completely broken then. That part of the reason that scene was much more traumatic for him than it really was. He just wished he had Changmin's friendship and support instead of Changmin threatening to disown him for loving someone he devoted himself unquestioningly (and sometimes ridiculously) to for over a year and a half.
I hope Min has found his footing. Yunho still doesn't have his, so the above mentioned crit would be helpful. Thanks for replying.
Saying that was the whole source of Changmin's ooc behaviour it's too much: I know I'm the one to blame for that, since I'm the one who plays him, but there were a few things that definitely enhanced that behaviour of his.
Haha, unicorns and dragons weren't the big deal, don't worry about that. They were both being childish and sometimes they really do acts like kids. That was all fine ^^
What took me aback was your Yunho's weak temperament. Yunho admitted himself he tries to cry the least he can, holding the tears back because of that promise he made. I believe that says a lot about him. Despite his bubbly and outgoing appearance, I think he's a person who keeps his emotions inside and bottles them up. To resist so well everything he went through I think he really should have had a very strong personality to begin with, that became even stronger with the years and the hardships he had to face.
Yours was just completely shattered at some point. Maybe that could really happen to him, and what do I know about Yunho's real personality, but I think he would try to hide it from Changmin and fix things on his own. But he seemed a baby, completely lost in the events.
Changmin's anger was spurred by the fact Yunho wasn't reacting, it was like he was just letting himself go with the flow. And so, in an exaggerated way, Changmin tried to get the role of the strong one, in a wrong way, because he ended up just being forceful. He should've been more understanding, but seeing Yunho first broken like that and then even mentioning he would have forgiven the one who hurt him, really made no sense to Changmin. Now I realize that was a mistake, since Min is very mature and he would've accepted it and complied to Yunho's wishes, without resorting to such unreasonable methods.
Also, there was a naiveness to him that we felt shouldn't have been there. Yunho is extremely childish sometimes, but I think it hasn't anything to do with innocence. Yours sometimes sounded just too innocent, as if he hadn't experienced the life he had, he sounded almost too young.
Something that maybe could've helped us reacting in a more ic way would've been knowing something more about that relationship of Yunho's. Changmin and I knew next to nothing about it. I know it was just Yunho's business, but I think you should have told me a few vague details about it for me to manage to relate to it. We didn't even care about knowing who was the other one of the couple, but just being told what Yunho would've said to Changmin about it or for how long it had been going on would've have been useful. If Yunho had been dating for all that time, there weren't many chances Changmin knew nothing about that.
Obviously, your Yunho also had some very good points too, worth praise. His sweetness and his caring, silly side were really in character and totally gave a Yunho feeling. He played along with Changmin's mocking without getting piqued or hurt, and he replied to it too making their conversations flow in a very natural, familiar way. We really enjoyed all that in him.
I do apologize for his weak temperament, as I know I am very much to blame for that. My Yunho never really picked himself back up after the lawsuit, and I know that was very ooc. he has his reasons, but I promise I'm working on fixing that point. It has just not been very easy lately.
He tried his best to hide everything from Changmin, and I think that's why he never really told Changmin about what was going on until it got so bad that he couldn't take it anymore. Looking back, it would have been better to have at least caught Changmin up a little bit going into the situation. I apologize for that, it was a bad decision on my part.
It's hard to explain why he was so lost and hopeless then, but what happened really came as a terrible shock to him. I'm sorry that he came off as overly innocent: That was not my intention. He's been through a lot and he is very much not innocent, but he tries to block out what happened to him. Maybe he was over compensating? That is certainly something to work on. Thank you so much for writing this!
Not at all ^^ I'm glad we fixed this. Now we'll both have a starting point for improvement, mh?
Me too! I will definitely start working on it!
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