May 01, 2011 11:25
When we first started our project for the research paper, I was a little disappointed I didn’t do the Lightning Thief. I really wanted to do it, but I still wanted to have my same group so I sucked it up. Although we never actually ever did anything with our group so I doubt it would have ever really mattered. Anyways, when I first started to read the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, it took me a while to actually get into the story and it could be because I was trying so hard to find information to use when I write that I was actually paying attention to what going on in the story.
But after a while I really came to enjoy the book and though it may not be a page turner like normal books I like to read, I still came to like it. Which this was weird to me because this has to be the first book series where I actually like the movies better than the books, but that could be because I’ve seen all the movies and never read any of the books until this class when we read the first. So it could just be because I wasn’t used to it.
But in the end when I wrote the paper, I was definitely glad I didn’t choose to go with The Lightning Thief because having to read a book over and over again, ruins it for me. I like to read through it once and let my first impression be the one that sticks with me. Mostly because that’s when I really like the books.