(no subject)

Sep 24, 2009 22:14

Who: EVERYONE seriously get your butt in here
What: TOWN MEEEEETING! Mewtwo wants to talk about how to respond to the message on the BBS. Maybe that will happen, maybe it won't. There may even be mutterings of building some kind of government at some point.
Where: Residential Area
When: Two hours post Dark Hour

"There is a meeting in the Residential Area. Come now."

That, Mewtwo thought, should be sufficiently difficult to ignore. His message was addressed to every single mind in the Void and would hopefully wake even the deepest of sleepers. He couldn't be certain; even after all this time, his powers still hadn't reached their former glory. As far as he was concerned, if anyone missed the meeting after he had gone to these lengths to contact them, it was their own fault.

The Pokemon floated in the air, watching for the arrivals. Despite his threat that they wouldn't wait for anybody, he was willing to give people about ten minutes to arrive. There was no guarantee that they would see his BBS post, after all. When a fairly large number of people had gathered, he began to 'speak,' his psychic voice cutting into any conversations that might have sprung up.

"Listen carefully. We have been contacted by the same people who are able to enter and exit this area. They claim to be interested in trading for things such as our food and water, which are plentiful. They have not, however, specified what we may receive in return. Obviously this is not a matter that can be dealt with by a single person." He regretted that, incidentally, but in order to keep the others out of the arrangements he would have to destroy all but one of the BBS terminals and guard that one until the deal was made. Not worth the effort and risks involved. "Some of you may have information that I do not. I expect you to contribute so that the best decision can be reached."

[[Alright, I'd say feel free to thread-jack / start your own thread if your own character has something to say / do whatever feels appropriate! I don't recommend using a posting order, though, because that'll take forever. ...And don't worry, my inbox can take it! hnnngh this post could be so much better but I'm tired so THIS IS WHAT YOU GET]]
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