⚖ one.

Apr 28, 2009 01:50

Who: L Lawliet | Open
What: Arrival.
Where: The Hub.
When: Dawn/early early morning.

In her usual, comfortable attire, L was... well, she was lost, though it didn't show through the cracks in her general mildly bewildered exterior. Though aware it was probably not the safest decision, she had boarded the train in interest -- she was, after all, an out-and-about detective. She wasn't on duty at the moment, but investigating seemed natural... not to mention pinpointing her location.

With quiet, seeming disinterest, she listened to the message broadcast upon her boarding. She sighed and leaned forward, feet on the floor, to inspect the car from as close as a ninety-degree angle she could attain. Either she had unwittingly stumbled on an elaborate prank, or a housing system of which she had been previously unaware.
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