Aug 27, 2004 01:01
ya know..tonight was great..i'm not gonna was quite alright...hung out with beau, that was fun. we went to dinner with the family consisting of my two aunts, and my uncole mike. it was okay...too much talking, which meant less one on one time with beau-tiful. We kicked it under a tree and talked, it was nice..and then I read this letter she wrote to me on the way home and cried my eyes out...i was literally crying like a bucket of aunt pulled over and gave great words of advice...
My step mom told me something that is very very true..i was upset about beau leaving and here's what she said to me:
"Mandi there are three purposes as to why people walk in and out of your life. For either a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME. It takes time to place each and every loved one into this category, but through time, you'll see where certain people walked in and why"
Now, through careful, long, drawn out contemplations...i've come to the conclusion that Beau came into my life for a REASON. I guess, in a lot of ways, Beau has taught me the true value and importance of HOPE. She's taught me to have FAITH in the inevitable, to live one day at a time, and go wherever my heart takes me. I've learned, through being with Beau, that ya gotta live a little, have fun with the time you have, LIVE LIFE ON THE EDGE! Getting close to Beau was a risk, before I even met her, I knew that if I got in too deep, it was going to hurt. That's where taking chances comes into play. She's showed me that it's okay to step outside the box, take chances and be all that you can be. I've learned to trust where the future takes you, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, you'll never ever know where you'll end up. Jabeau's taught me to have faith in so much more than I ever thought I'd imagine, to have faith in friendships, and relationships, no matter what the distance. I'm truly grateful for the REASONS as to why Beau walked into my life...hopefully somewhere along the lines of our growing up and career decisions...I'll be able to squeeze Jabeau Marie Lopez Arcenaux into my LIFETIME category. but in the meantime... this is where she stands, and it's truly an honor. I care about you Beau...with all that I have.
a lil sumptin sumptin for you Beau-tiful
-Mandi Davenport