bead stores and lesbian pregnancies...who woulda thought...

Aug 25, 2004 18:57

cc stopped by today for like two minutes to say her hello. our good friend alex was with her, lookin cute as always..i tell ya i love those girls...there so sweet. so then i went to my aunts house and went to this bead store with her..omg...these lesbian chicks in the store were soooo lesbian!! I walked in there lookin soooo disgusting..i had no makeup on..just like mascara and my hair was all was do i say was really shitty...i was in my boys swim shorts and my gamblers shirt...i just screamed "look at how gay i am" and i guess those lesbian girls caught on...they were like "hey cutie, you from around here" i was like "as a matter of" hhaha...and then they were like "oh damn, that sucks, well where are you from" and i was like " jersey..."  (meanwhile my aunts lookin at me like i'm a liar, but then she caught on and started laughing) so they were like "oh yeah...what part" and i was like oh shit "uh...edgewater" there like "oh that sucks, how long you staying for" and i was like "well me and my girlfriend beau are going back on tuesday morning, she's gotta doctors appointment, we think she might be pregnant!" (they looked soooo disappointed when i told them i had a woman) and then they were like "oh well that's great...beau must be really really lucky, your really pretty" I was like "oh thanks...yeah i'm the lucky one but thanks guys". My aunt and I walk out of that place, and she starts laughing and she's like 'omg! what the hell went on in there! and then she started mocking me "yeah my girlfriend might be pregnant!" what the hell is that?!!?" and then we started cracking up! was soo funny. You see beau, the shit i go through for you!

It's funny the shit you'll lie about when your just not interested...i was going to say something about cheeze but then i beau being pregnant is better...such stupid girls they could a lesbian chick get pregnant! haha...thanks GoD they didn't catch that one..i would've been caught lying! oh man...good stuff...good times...

I drove my aunts car was sooooo friggen awesome! Drove beau-tifully. Ugh..i was hot shit i tell shit. I rock. REEL BIG FISH ROCKS!

she's got a girlfriend now! she said "guys don't do nothing for me!" monique are my goddess!

hi sandra bullock..i love you.

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