Nov 12, 2009 16:39
Okay, this is NOT Emma. It's actually her best friend and housemate Brittany.
And now, you want to know why she's not here posting and I am? Usually this isn't good news.
And it isn't really. But it will be better.
Em collapsed. Contributing factors include stress, not eating, extreme amounts of physical activity on an empty stomach (dancing), dehydration and barely any sleep. But if you think fainting or passing out is bad, it just gets worse.
Em has been training pretty hard with her dances to be ready for Singapore (I'm guessing she's already written about that?) And there has been enormous amounts of paperwork. And with Emma being the "leader" if you like, that's her job. For each dancer, there is contracts, insurance forms, flight details, accommodation forms, registration, personal details etc, to sort out. So Em and I have been going through it, trying to get it done before she goes to Lord Howe Island.
And add the other assessments and tasks she's had to do, meetings, assemblies, formals, concerts, practices, Annie, and then the dancing. And of course, having Mia to look after. Now, Mia may be a laid back and easy child, but having another little person you are responsible for is always hard,no matter how simple or difficult the child is to handle. Basically, she's just over done it big time.
During recent lunch breaks, the girls have gone and taken their break, while Matt will most likely go and get Em and my lunches, while we do the paperwork to get through it. But, today she said to go and have a break. So I did; Matt and I went out for lunch.
And then we got backand went to the practice studios. And there she was as we opened the door, passed out cold and bleeding from god knows where. Now I am normally a calm person, even in a crisis. But with this, I just wasn't. I tried waking her up but then remember Matt pulling me back and telling me to call an ambulance. I felt really useless at the time. So while he tried to wake her, I somehow managed to tell the operator what had happened. Don't know how she actually understood what I meant, but she did.
We couldn't get a hold of Jayden, or Erin. They were out having lunch with Mia at the time. When we finally got a hold of Jayden, he and Erin came to the hospital. By now, they had finally woken Em up (did take a while) but wouldn't let her out because they were worried she'd have concussion. Especially after a fall like that. I still can't believe how much blood one head can produce.
But how stubborn is she? Honestly, she wanted to come home straight away. Doctors want to keep her until tomorrow (this happened yesterday). But Em was adament that she had to get back and practice for dancing. Because she's leaving for Sydney tomorrow (Friday, the day she's meant to be getting out) and then to Lord Howe Island on Saturday.
Took a lot of convincing to make her stay overnight. God that girl is stubborn! But she did. But was then insistent on coming home today, despite doctors orders. She even went about organising her discharge papers.
Eventually she got her way and we took her home. Well, actually, Erin and Jayden brought her to the studio where I had Mia, and was instructing the dancers with Matt to keep them going with Em out of action. She stayed for a while, but no one would let her dance. One tme she got away, but the girls and Matt just stopped, refusing to keep dancing until she was sitting again. The look on her face... LOL
She's home now. Her parents, who are still in Melbourne and will be meeting her and Mia in Sydney tomorrow, were going to cancel the trip. But she convinced them she's fine, so they're still going. I actually think it will be good; make her relax and rejuvinate. Although she's got a massive headache, like a really bad hangover... LOL.
So she's leaving tomorrow. But until then, she's firmly sitting and she's doing nothing. Like hell are we going to let her do anything right now! That was the condition of us taking her home today. So she has no choice but to fall in line and obey! LOL. So now she's lying on the sofa with Mia, watching Snow Dogs, I think from memory.
Britt xx x