Apr 14, 2004 21:37
As Josh would say, I'm so sick of AI fans I could vomit.
I attempted about five times tonight to post a message at 2 American Idol communities I belong to, but every time I tried they always came out too harsh. If I'm going to be harsh, it's going to be here where I don't directly hurt anyone's feelings. But I can't help but be harsh! I hate just about ALL AI fans. I hate their attitudes, I hate their opinions, I hate them. There are a few I don't mind, even a few I like. But the majority of them are so...grrr!
I can't even say exactly what it is I hate about them because every little post they make stirs up some kind of anger in me. It's literally everything. I enjoyed last season a lot better when I didn't know any American Idol fans. They are all so freakin' biased! Now, I'll admit that there are contestants that I like more than others, but I at least recognize when my favorites suck! I recognize when my least favorites do really good! Whenever I write a review (I never post them, they're just for myself to read back over at the end of the show) I always say something good about every performance. Because I don't really hate any of them. I give them the benefit of the doubt. I think about how hard they worked through the week to get it right. I actually think about the singers themselves rather than just the song they sing. I don't hate the contestants. It's the fans I hate. Go away immature AI fans! Go away!
Why the hell is American Idol annoying me so much this year? It's gotta be the fans.