Oct 04, 2004 21:47
This week is going to be a short week 'cause I have Friday off, but I still can't believe it's only Monday.
I didn't have to give my French tour today, so I got to practice another day. I hope I go tomorrow because I don't think I can stand the nerves. I also have a huge math test tomorrow. We're doing Trig right now, and there was so much crap that I had to memorize. I waited until the last day (of course) to start so I came up with a couple mnemonic devices. So I should be OK.
I gave my forms for my teacher recommendations to my teachers today for my trip. I should have them all back by next week so I can start getting ready for my interview, which I'll have to reschedule because they've put me right in the middle of my grandparents' 50th anniversary. I feel like I'm getting all these signs telling me not to go.
I have until Thursday to write something. We were all warned last week at writer's club that if we didn't write something over the week, there would be "a punishment". No idea what it could possibly be, but I'm scared of Anthm so I'm going to do what he says.
Time for bed. I don't want to go to school tomorrow.