Jan 27, 2009 00:54
I actually sat down and did the math today (no, not my math homework--I have yet to start that...). I've calculated that, all in all, I am a whopping 1,000+ pages behind in school already, and the good news? It's only the first week! And it's only going to get better.
500 pages of "Swann's Way" (Proust)
400 pages of "The Aenied"
100-odd pages of miscellaneous readings
Current Progress: Zero percent, except that I'm almost done with a 200-page textbook for Media Studies that isn't due to be finished until March. Hooray.
Ohohoho...screwed already?
Yes, I am! *cries*
The first few weeks are always the most hectic, but I'm actually "only" wait-listed for both of my English classes, since I didn't realize when I signed up that the waiting list was manual and that I therefore have abysmal priority as a sophomore. Kill me if I finish the readings and don't get it; kill me if I don't finish the readings and get in and fail the classes.
This week:
Tuesday: All-day classes, tabling at the dining commons during dinnertime.
Wednesday: Flyering in the afternoon, coordinator meeting, info session
Thursday: Flyering in the morning, all-day classes, info session
Friday: Flyering in the afternoon
Next week:
Monday: Conduct interviews after class until 6.
Wednesday: Conduct interviews after class until 6, coordinator meeting.
Battle Plan:
Own everything--reading, coordinating, possibly writing, more reading, health, survive.
*sigh* It's going to be a long night...