Feb 04, 2009 12:39
I find it a bit irritating that now, when I'm unemployed and home all the time, I update less frequently. Kind of weird. However, I have been reading a lot more. I've finished off 4 novels in the past 3 days, which has been quite satisfying for me.
I highly recommend "The Hot Zone" by Preston... it's a great book.
I filed and sent off my 2008 taxes on Monday. Glad to have gotten it done early. I made just under $11,000.00 for 2008 and I'll be getting back just shy of $2,000.00-- sometimes I really hate our government. But, money is money, and most of us aren't in a position to complain about it right now.
I have a lot of things bottled up right now that keep making my mood swings a little extreme, and it's starting to drive me crazy. So many people are being complete morons in recent days and it's starting to get old. I just wish people could 1) act their age; 2) understand that if they're going to go around talking shit about someone to their friends, that they will most likely receive the same treatment from someone else, and it is completely fair; 3) stop blaming their shortcomings on everyone else and learn to accept responsibility for their own actions; 4) stop causing fake problems so that they can get personal satisfaction by belittling someone else.
Oh, and stop being slutty on social networking sites. It's very poor showing, and you're not attracting any type of positive attention. Oh, and it's gross =/
But there's not much you can do other than watch other people run their lives into the ground and take care of you and your life. It used to be fun watching these things happen, now it's just sad mostly because it's time to grow up, and most of the people in my stead just... aren't. Whether they're incapable or they're unwilling is sometimes unknown, but either way it's just sad.
My first night of class was last night and it looks promising. The people in my class are all older than me, which is always a plus. The teacher knows how she wants to do the class and isn't one of those make.things.up.as.you.go types. Another plus. AND it just so happens that my classroom is right down the hall from Ethan. Best plus ever. Haha. (Ethan is the school's athletic trainer and he is amazing.)
I've already gotten a new job, but it isn't going to be paying a lot. Luckily I have a second job as well. And that one pays pretty close to what I was getting at Maxim... so I'm pretty happy about that, and glad that I won't be financially insecure for very long. Shit's gotta get paid y'know! It's very important to keep yourself grounded and to have a job cause you never know when you're going to need the money... that's what I was taught, and that's what I find to be true 90% of the time.
I need to find out when Fall 2009 classes end... if it's after November then I definitely won't be able to do them, and I'll have to wait until Summer of 2010 to come back. Awesome. Although... there's always online classes. That could work out nicely. And I wish Baltimore didn't suck at being culturally diverse and that more people at CCBC had an interest in taking a foreign language other than Spanish, it would make taking German or Russian a helluva lot easier!
I'll try and update tomorrow. And I'm getting super-excited for Valentines day! Gotta remember to take off for that.
valentines day,
hot zone,